Flouting Implicature in the Three Activists` Speeches at the Women`s March 2017: A Pragmatic Study
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This study investigates the flouting implicature of the three women activists’ speeches at the Women’s March 2017. To achieve its objective, descriptive qualitative design based on Fraenkel and Wallen (1990) and Polit and Beck (2010) is employed. The data are ready-to-use transcripts downloaded from two different news sites (ellie.com and nymag.com). In order to answer the first research question about types of maxim that are flouted by the three activists and the implicature derived through that flouting, the study refers to the framework by Grice (in Cole and Morgan, 1975), Levinson (1983), Yule (1996) and Grundy (2008). The study reveals that maxim of quality is the one that is flouted the most with 23 occurrences and metaphors dominates the flouting. It is followed by maxim of manner with 17 occurrences. The most common flouting in this kind of maxim is the use of prolixity. In terms of maxim of quantity, 14 occurrences are found, and it is dominated with statements with too little information in the form of self- evidently true statements. Particularized Conversational Implicature (PCI) is the type of implicature that is more often created compared to the Generalized Conversational Implicature (GCI) one. Through the PCI the speakers show their identity and some unfair treatments received by some marginalized groups. Besides, they also show that the marchers and the president are not at the same page. Some mockery to the president- elect as well as reminder of the contribution made by Black people to the US history are also observed to be found in PCI. Another PCI concluded is regarding the president’s incapability and his fitness to the office and the call to end violence. However, through the GCI, the three activists imply their strong resistance the to president and some civil rights violator. The call to end violence is also created through GCI. Last but not least, in GCI they say that movement is not an easy thing to do, it needs commitment.
Flouting Implicature, Activists, Women`s March 2017