Tidak ada Data DosenTidak ada Data DosenFERDY YUSTIANTO2024-05-312024-05-312014-02-06https://repository.unpad.ac.id/handle/kandaga/270120110504household use dan industrial needs. These needs increased the oil price which is follow by coal price increase. Coal is highly needed for power plant. The significant increase in coal price made coal into a very profitable business with much lower risk compare to the other mining investments. Eventhough it looks easy, a lot of people got burned when they invested their money into the coal mine. Coal mine valuation depends on two major things, quantity of mineable reserves and its quality. Quantity of mineable reserves has to be substansial with a good quality. Important Quality parameters are Total Moisture, Inherent Moisture, Ash Content, Volatile Matters, Fixed Carbon, Total Sulphur dan Gross Calorific Value. Meanwhile one factor that affecting the reserve calculation is coal relative density. In this thesis, we would like to see the corelation between relative density with coal quality. By using Statistic Method, Spearman Rank, we found out that relative density has no corelation with Total Moisture, Inherent Moisture, Volatile Matters and Total Sulphur. However, relative density has corelation with Ash Content, Fixed Carbon and Gross Calorific Value. Other interesting finding in this research is we found out that there is a significant difference in quality between coal in research area and coal in other area which come from Muara Enim Formation. Coal quality in research are is better in Total Moisture and Gross Calorific Value but worse in Total Sulphur. This happened because there is intrusion close to research area.DensitasBatubaraFormasi EnimHUBUNGAN DENSITAS BATUBARA TERHADAP KUALITAS BATUBARA DI FORMASI MUARA ENIM, SUMATERA SELATAN