Heru NurasaCandradewiniYATI KURNIATI2024-05-312024-05-312021-04-26https://repository.unpad.ac.id/handle/kandaga/170520197042ABSTRACT Good governance constantly updates every policy, one of which is required by the application of non-cash transactions. Bandung Regency Government, is one that began to implement a system of non-cash transactions carried out gradually in early 2018 which includes transactions of receipts and expenses. Where its implementation is based in accordance with Bandung Regent Regulation No. 22/2018 on the Implementation of Non-Cash Transactions in bandung regency government environment. The goal of this research is to examine, analyze and understand in depth. This research uses qualitative research methods. In reviewing the implementation of non-cash transaction policy in regional financial management at the Bandung District Secretariat, the authors used the theory put forward by Grindle that two main factors that influence the success of policy implementation are: content of policy variables and context of implementation. The Regional Secretariat of Bandung Regency has implemented Non-Cash Transactions based on Grindle`s perspective with each variable in accordance with the policy of Bandung Regent Regulation Number 22/2018.Keywords : ImplementationRegional Financial ManagementNon-Cash TransactionsIMPLEMENTASI KEBIJAKAN TRANSAKSI NON TUNAI DALAM PENGELOLAAN KEUANGAN DAERAH DI KABUPATEN BANDUNG (Studi pada Sekretariat Daerah Kabupaten Bandung) IMPLEMENTATION OF NON-CASH TRANSACTION POLICY IN