Tidak ada Data DosenTidak ada Data DosenWISNU PRIHANTONO2024-05-222024-05-222006https://repository.unpad.ac.id/handle/kandaga/140710060041Abstract Research area is located at “X†block, part of South Sumatra basin, South Sumatra Province. Analysis performed within this research is sequence stratigraphy focused at Upper Talang Akar Formation. The Analysis were aiming to know the sequence stratigraphy and distribution of system tracts. This research can be applied to understand the prospect zone . Pursuant to the analysis result which are using seismic and well log data, the area accurately consist of 3 sequence, that are sequence I which consist of the highstand system tract I, sequence II which consist of the transgressive system tract II and highstand system tract II, and also sequence III which consist of the transgressive system tract III and highstand system tract III. The sequence stratigraphy being held before is reference to divided the prospect zone. The prospect zone above which is Zone A, Zone and Zone C.The rock properties from each other zone have been calculated, which is porosity (Ф), shale volume (Vsh), water saturation (Sw) etc. The results is important parameter for hydrocarbon reserve calculation. The reserve calculated by probability approach with monte carlo method. The provenance of this deposits is interpretatively derived from eastsoutheast ward, that is Lampung High. Pursuant to the sequence stratigraphy analysis, some hydrocarbon prospect areas all present at high stand system tract deposits.Cekungan Sumatera SelatanFormasi Talang Akar Bagiansystem tractPROSPEK HIDROKARBON PADA FORMASI TALANG AKAR BAGIAN ATAS DI LAPANGAN X CEKUNGAN SUMATERA SELATAN BERDASARKAN DATA SEISMIK DAN SUMURAN