Tidak ada Data DosenTidak ada Data DosenROSSIANA2024-05-222024-05-222013-03-14https://repository.unpad.ac.id/handle/kandaga/180510070045This thesis entitled “The quest of the life equanimity towards a main character of the novel Un Très Grand Amour by Franz-Olivier Giesbert” is based on a literary work written by the author in 2009. This research is aimed to show the matters which support the quest of the life equanimity and its manifestation in this novel. To obtain that aim, the analyses used are the analysis of plot, the analysis of character and the analysis of point of view. The method used is the descriptive analyzing method. This thesis consists of five chapters. The first chapter is introduction, the second is theories, the third is the object of research, the fourth is the analysis and last chapter is conclusion. From this whole series of analysis, we are able to find the phenomena that will bring us to the efforts of the quest which are done by the main character in order to find the equanimity of life and also its manifestation which found by the main character.Pencarian ketenangan hidupaktualisasi dirihubungan spiritualPencarian Ketenangan Hidup Tokoh Utama Dalam Novel Un Trs Grand Amour Karya Franz-Olivier Giesbert