Tidak ada Data DosenTidak ada Data DosenSITI KODARIAH2024-05-212024-05-212012-10-30https://repository.unpad.ac.id/handle/kandaga/180210090015ABSTRACT This thesis was titeled "Diction Name Yourself In Soember Aroem Book: Study of structures and Meaning". The problem that thesis concern the diction of name in sumber arum book. As for the theory used in this meaning contained in the theory of Djajasudarma et al (1994), Gorys Keraf (1990), and the theory of Coolsma (1904). Researched methods used in this study is descriptive method using the reading and writing in the data collect and analysis method using distribusional as a method study. The result of this research is the existence of classification by the existence of on the name itself intact, acronym names, collocation behalf kinship with pronouns intact, collocation name to the acronym pronouns kinship, collocation name to the epithet (nickname), the meaning of the name themselves Arabic, Sundanese, Sanskrit, Chinese, and meaning of gender respect, men and woman.DIKSINAMA DIRITidak ada keywordDIKSI NAMA DIRI DALAM BACAAN SOEMBER AROEM: KAJIAN STRUKTUR DAN MAKNA