Nani DarmayantiHeriyantoFITRIANI NURHALIMAH2024-05-222024-05-222021-06-16 thesis is entitled “Ideology in Clinton Concession Speech: A Critical Discourse Analysis”. The primary data are taken from Clinton concession speech. The method used in this data is descriptive. The purpose of this research is aimed to find out what Clinton’s ideology is. In this research, the grand theory has been applied from Van Dijk (2006) which focuses on three steps analysis; discourse-cognition-and social situation. From conducted research the writer finds out the result that Clinton’s ideology is social liberalist, it is proven by the discourse strategy Clinton applied. First, the writer analyzes the discourse by using cohesion strategy, rhetoric strategy and the last is presupposition. Next, the writer analyzes cognition based on episodic memory Clinton had about her mother who was liberalist. The data are used from the campaigning speech as secondary data. Then, the last the writer analyzes social situation. Even though USA had been inclusive towards some social regulation by legalizing same-sex marriage, USA is still exclusive in economic side. It is proven by social class existed. Those stages lead the writer jumps to the conclusion that Clinton is social liberalist. Keywords: CDA, Ideology, Concession Speech, Cohesion, Rhetoric Strategy, Presupposition.CDAIdeologyConcession SpeechIDEOLOGY IN CLINTON`S CONCESSION SPEECH : A CRITICAL DISCOURSE ANALYSIS