Tidak ada Data DosenTidak ada Data DosenANANDA PUTRI SEKHAR2024-05-222024-05-222012-11-05https://repository.unpad.ac.id/handle/kandaga/180710080004ABSTRACT This study entitled Analysis of Structure of Advertising Beauty Products Discourse in Russian (An overview of the Analysis of Discourse Analysis). This study used descriptive analysis method. Data obtained from magazines and beauty products websites. The theories used in this study are the theories Bolen (the Rani, et al. 1984), Brown (1983), Jefkins (1994), Well (1995). The results of this study indicate, that the structure of discourse that is the main point, the contain and the closer part of advertising. They are proposition in each of elements forming the structure of advertising discourse.STRUKTUR WACANA IKLANTidak ada keywordTidak ada keywordANALISIS STRUKTUR WACANA IKLAN PRODUK KOSMETIK BERBAHASA RUSIA