Raden Muhamad PurnagunawanTidak ada Data DosenDIGOR UNGGUL NALENDRA2024-06-212024-06-212018-01-15https://repository.unpad.ac.id/handle/kandaga/120720150037Despite a generous portion of the government budget being spent on infrastructure in Indonesia, the money was still considered limited as the budget was used to finance infrastructure projects both under the central government and the local government. To ensure that the infrastructure budget was well spent, a screening process was implemented to select the project proposed by the local government. Unfortunately, the current screening method is more focused on the characteristic of the local governments as potential fund recipients rather than the projects that are being offered in the proposals. This paper proposes a method to analyze the proposed project to ensure that the most appropriate project is selected and financed. The method in this paper introduces a new application of hedonic price model by placing the hedonic price method as the base model, combined with the polycentric city center theory to identify the significance level of roads in the area. The road with the highest significance level is then recommended to be prioritized to be financed. This paper uses IFLS5 data and has several observation areas in some of Indonesia’s main island (Java, Sumatera, Bali, and Nusa Tenggara Barat). The result generated by the model suggest that each of the observation area has different priority in term of which road project that should be financed. Roads that lead to district center, nearest transportation facilities, and nearest market place are identified as roads that should be given priority compared to other in each respective area. As the model successfully identified the significance level of each road in each area, policy makers in Indonesia should strongly consider extending the current selection process by accommodating this type of model to ensure that the infrastructure budget is spent efficiently.hedonicpolycentricroadA Hedonic Price and Polycentric City Study: Identifying the Suitable Road Infrastructure Project in Java, Sumatera, Bali, and Nusa Tenggara Barat