Tidak ada Data DosenTidak ada Data DosenANDREAS ARIS KRISTANTO2024-05-202024-05-202014-04-20https://repository.unpad.ac.id/handle/kandaga/210210077063This study aims to determine the user response to the circulation services at the Library and Regional Archives ( BAPUSIPDA ) of West Java Province . Location of the study was conducted at the Library and Archives of West Java Province . The method used in this research is descriptive method to the type of survey research . The population in this study was the users who come to the services of Library and Archives circulation of West Java Province with the sampling technique using accidental sampling technique . For data retrieval technique is done through questionnaires , interviews , observation and study of literature . Based on the survey results revealed that 1 ) . User feedback on aspects of officer / staff indicate librarian master the job , have good communication skills and neatly dressed ; 2 ) . User feedback on aspects of the collection indicates that the amount present is sufficient , diverse and cutting-edge ; 3 ) . User feedback on aspects of administrative support facilities and services shows that the visible location BAPUSIPDA West Java library layout a little bit away from the highway so it is quite difficult for those who are not driving . As for the condition of the building has already representative color with refreshing and cool . To read the table of existing facilities in the room also felt the service can accommodate the number of users who come . For a process , the process of borrowing and the return of the collection , the arrangement of shelving systems that exist in the library collection was appropriate and imposed sanctions not incriminate user,s and hours of service has been imposed in accordance with the wishes of the user.Circulation Services Public LibraryTidak ada keywordTidak ada keywordTANGGAPAN PEMUSTAKA TERHADAP LAYANAN SIRKULASI DI BADAN PERPUSTAKAAN DAN KEARSIPAN DAERAH (BAPUSIPDA) PROVINSI JAWA BARAT