Tidak ada Data DosenTidak ada Data DosenDIAH PUSPITA HATI2024-05-172024-05-172013-07-29https://repository.unpad.ac.id/handle/kandaga/150220110003ABSTRACT Utilization of nitrogen fixation biofertilizers (Azotobacter chroococcum and Azospirillum irakense) have been proved reduce the use of N manure, prevent a decline in soil organic matter and mitigate environmental pollution. The reseacrh aimed to study effect of biofertilizer application (Azotobacter chroococcum and Azospirillum irakense), straw compost, Azolla compost and manure N on the populations Azotobacter and Azospirillum, N uptake, soil organic C, N available soil, number of productive tillers, shoot-root rasio and rice grain yield, as well as maximizing the efficiency of N fertilizer, this has been conducted from May to December 2012 in the Research Station and Training Center for Agriculture Development (SPLPP) unit Ciparay. The experiment was set up Randomized Block Design consisted of 20 combinations treatment and provided with three replications. The experiment results revealed that the application of biofertilizers, straw compost, Azolla compost and N manure, significantly has increase the population of Azotobacter and Azospirillum, soil organic C, N uptake, the number of productive tillers and rice grain yield. The application of straw compost 4 t ha-1 and Azolla compost 0.36 t ha-1 with biofertilizer 400 g ha-1 has given the best rice grain yield (agronomic efficiency of fertilizer N was about 52,2 kg/kg N) and reduced the use of N fertilizer until about 33%. Keywords: Paddy fields, Biofertilizer, Azotobacter, Azospirilum, Agronomic Efficiency.Tidak ada keywordTidak ada keywordAPLIKASI PUPUK HAYATI PENAMBAT N2 (Azotobacter dan Azospirillum), KOMPOS JERAMI DAN KOMPOS AZOLLA UNTUK MENINGKATKAN EFISIENSI PUPUK N DAN HASIL PADI SAWAH (Oryza sativa. L)