Dina YuliantiArry BainusALNOUR ABOBAKER MOHAMED2024-06-042024-06-042023-01-11https://repository.unpad.ac.id/handle/kandaga/170820207003Abstract This research explored the role of Sudanese students in strengthening the relationship between Sudan and the Indonesian people. The researcher uses the concept of scholarship as cultural diplomacy. This study aims to describe scholarships from Indonesia to Sudanese students as a cultural diplomacy activity and the cultural activities of the Sudanese students in Indonesia that contribute to strengthening diplomatic relations between Sudan and Indonesia. This study was conducted through qualitative methods, and the data was collected through interviews with several Sudanese students who have received scholarships from Indonesia at several universities in this country. The researcher also interviewed the representatives of the Sudanese and Indonesian embassies to gain a broader understanding of the relationship between the two countries through scholarships as an instrument of cultural diplomacy. Detailed observations were taken during the interviews, and conversations were recorded, transcribed, and analyzed. The findings of this study are as follows. (1) Scholarship creates trust between Indonesia and Sudan; through scholarships, people from two countries can build trust by understanding the thinking patterns of the local population, breaking the language barrier, and building friendships with families and academics. (2) Scholarships create international relations between two countries because the students can understand the host culture that contributes to the transfer and participation of culture in a wide range of two societies. The adaptation will facilitate understanding, pave the way for the implementation of cooperation agreements, and build relations that achieve the interests of the two countries. (3) Scholarships are a way of understanding values and ideas; so that the Sudanese students know the values of the Indonesian people, and the Sudanese students carry out cultural activities in the universities that introduce the Indonesian people to the values and culture of Sudan. Given that there are a hundred Sudanese students in Indonesia, it means there are a hundred indirect ambassadors in the various region in this country and they understand the values and behaviors of the local society.Sudanese and Indonesia relationscultural diplomacyscholarshipsSCHOLARSHIP AS CULTURAL DIPLOMACY: THE ROLE OF SUDANESE STUDENTS IN STRENGTHENING THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN SUDAN AND INDONESIAN PEOPLE