Tidak ada Data DosenTidak ada Data DosenRANI MAHMUDA2024-11-262024-11-262012-10-31https://repository.unpad.ac.id/handle/kandaga/160621090004Perbedaan Nilai Kekerasan Resin Komposit Berbahan Dasar Silorane Dengan Resin Komposit Berbahan Dasar Methacrylate Sesaat dan Seminggu Setelah Fotoaktivasi Dengan LED-Rani Mahmuda Sultana-160621090004 iv ABSTRAK Masalah utama bahan restorasi komposit adalah kebocoran mikro, akibat penyusutan saat polimerisasi. Resin komposit jenis baru silorane terdiri dari gugus oxitrane yang kuat dan siloxane yang bersifat hidrofob. Berbeda dengan resin komposit methacrylate yang melepaskan radikal bebas saat polimerisasi, silorane berpolimerisasi dengan pembukaan cincin oxitrane. Polimerisasi resin komposit methacrylate menghasilkan pengurangan volume, sedangkan polimerisasi pada silorane menghasilkan pengembangan volume. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian eksperimental murni secara invitro, bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan kekerasan resin komposit berbahan dasar silorane dengan resin komposit berbahan dasar methacrylate sesaat dan seminggu setelah fotoaktivasi menggunakan LED. Dibuat 40 spesimen komposit (bentuk lempeng, tinggi 2mm diameter 6mm), terdiri dari 20 spesimen resin komposit silorane dan 20 spesimen resin komposit methacrylate. 10 spesimen diambil secara acak dari tiap kelompok, direndam dalam saliva artifisial dan disimpan pada suhu 37 °C selama seminggu, lalu dilakukan uji kekerasan. 10 sampel sisa dari tiap kelompok direndam saliva artifisial selama 10 menit lalu dilakukan uji kekerasan. Pengujian kekerasan dilakukan menggunakan Vickers Microhardness Test (w=100gr, t=15detik), dengan tiga titik indentasi setiap sampel. Hasil pengukuran dinyatakan dalam VHN dan diuji secara statistik mengunakan ANAVA. Tingkat kekerasan resin komposit berbahan dasar silorane secara signifikan lebih rendah bila dibandingkan dengan resin komposit berbahan dasar methacrylate, tetapi stabil terhadap perubahan kekerasan. Perbedaan tingkat kekerasan berkaitan dengan jenis ukuran filler pada masing masing bahan, sementara kestabilan kekerasan resin komposit silorane berkaitan dengan komposisi kimia gugus oxitrane-siloxane yang membentuknya. Kata kunci: Kekerasan, Silorane, Methacrylate, Fotoaktivasi LED, Sesaat, Seminggu, The difference level of hardness silorane based composite dan methacrylate based composite a moment and a week post irradiation with LED-Rani Mahmuda Sultana- 160621090004 v ABSTRACT A major problems of dental composite is microleakage as result of polymerization shrinkage. Silorane based composite comes from the combination of an advantages oxitrane which is known as very stable, and strong material with siloxane as hidrofobic materials. Direffent from methacrylate based composite wich release free radicals during polymerization, silorane has an opening of cation ring oxitrane, result volume expantion of resin, contradiction from methacrylate based wich result volume reduction of resin because it shrinkages. This in vitro study aimed to evaluated difference values of surface microhardness between silorane based composite and methacylate based composite in two different time; 10 minute after irradiation and a week after irradiation using LED. Fourthy specimen of composite disc (2mm height, 6mm diameters); consist of twenty silorane based, and twenty methacrylate based. From each grup 10 specimen taken randomily, immeresed in artificial saliva, kept in 37°C incubator for a week then tested microhardness. 10 specimen left in each group, immeresed in artificial saliva for 10 minutes then tested microhardness. Microharness was measured by Vickers Hardness Tester (VHT) with load 100gr for 15 second. Three indentation were performed on each sample, the value is in VHN and evaluated by ANOVA . Result of this study shows very significant differences values of surface hardness between two composite materials. Even silorane based composite claimed had lower hardness value than methacrylate’s, this study showed silorane were stable material due changes in longer periode storage by slight increase (non-sigificant) hardness value. Hardness of each material depents on the size filler content, but silorane hardness stability resulted by chemical block Oxitrane-siloxane Key words: Hardness, Silorane, Methacrylate, Irradiation LED, Moment, Week after.KekerasanSiloraneMethacrylatePerbedaan Nilai Kekerasan Resin Komposit Berbahan Dasar Silorane Dengan Resin Komposit Berbahan Dasar Methacrylate Sesaat dan Seminggu Setelah Fotoaktivasi Dengan LED