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Item MARKETING PUBLIC RELATIONS BI-ENSI FESYENINDO Studi Kasus Strategi Marketing Public Relations Bi-Ensi Fesyenindo Sebagai Distribution Outlet Dalam Memasarkan Produk 3 Second Clothing Ke Luar Daera(2013-08-14) ADRIANSYAH; Tidak ada Data Dosen; Tidak ada Data DosenABSTRAK ADRIANSYAH, 2013. Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk mengetahui dan menjelaskan Strategi Marketing Public Relations Bi-Ensi Fesyenindo Sebagai Distribution Outlet Dalam Memasarkan Produk 3 Second clothing Ke Luar Daerah. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian kualitatif dengan desain studi kasus. Objek penelitiannya adalah perumusan Strategi Marketing Public Relations Bi-Ensi Fesyenindo Sebagai Distribution Outlet Dalam Memasarkan Produk 3 Second clothing Ke Luar Daerah. Data dikumpulkan melalui wawancara mendalam (in-depth interview). Hasil penelitian ini menyimpulkan : (1) Kemampuan Bi-Ensi Fesyenindo sebagai distribution outlet untuk beradaptasi terhadap permintaan pasar, kemajuan dalam memproduksi produk clothing yang baik, di cerminkan dengan mengeluarkan merek-merek produk yang berkualitas untuk memenuhi kebutuhan yang berkelanjutan dari masa ke masa. (2) Bi-Ensi Fesyenindo berkomitmen dan berdedikasi terhadap permintaan dan kepuasan pelanggan. Hal ini juga menegaskan dedikasi dan komitmen Bi-Ensi Fesyenindo terhadap perbaikan kualitas kinerja secara terus menerus. (3) Program promosi yang dijalankan oleh Marketing Public Relations Bi-Ensi Fesyenindo dalam memasarkan produk 3 Second clothing ke luar daerah menggunakan elemen pemasaran yang meliputi : iklan, penyelenggaraan exhibiton, even sponsorship, serta new media/web sebagai alat utama dalam menyalurkan informasi terkait produk perusahaan. (4) Marekting Public Relations Bi-Ensi Fesyenindo mengimplementasikan strategi-strateginya dalam menunjang penjualan produk 3 Second clothing ke luar daerah yang meliputi : Penciptaan produk-produk yang berkualitas yang sesuai dengan keinginan konsumen di luar daerah, penentuan harga dari produk yang disesuaikan dengan kondisi pasar konsumen, perencanaan dan pelaksanaan kampanye promosi produk 3 Second clothing untuk dipasarkan ke luar daerah, menjalankan kegiatan pemasaran, serta berkomitmen terhadap kepuasan konsumen akan produk 3 Second clothing. Beberapa saran yang peneliti usulkan adalah : (1) Dari sudut pandang komunikasi pemasaran, strategi-strategi pemasaran yang diterapkan oleh Marketing Public Relations Bi-Ensi Fesyenindo dalam memasarkan produk 3 Second clothing ke luar daerah sudah berjalan dengan baik. Akan tetapi alangkah baiknya memanfaatkan elemen-elemen pemasaran yang lainnya demi menunjang proses pemasaran terutama ke luar daerah. Dan dengan memanfaatkan elemen pemasaran yang lainnya mungkin dapat meminimalisir kendala-kendala yang kadang dihadapi dalam proses pemasaran produk 3 Second clothing. (2) Agar Bi-Ensi Fesyenindo lebih meningkatkan kampanye promosi produk terutama dengan seringnya menyelenggarakan even-even sponsorship dan pameran-pameran clothing yang diyakini mampu menarik lebih banyak konsumen terutama komunitas anak muda.Item POLICY IMPLEMENTATION OF GOVERNMENT PROCUREMENT OF GOODS AND SERVICES PLANNING GUIDELINES IN 2019 (STUDY IN BANDUNG DISTRICT HEALTH OFFICE)(2021-09-07) ADRIANSYAH; Mas Halimah; Mohammad Benny AlexandriABSTRACT This research is about the Implementation of Guidelines for the Planning for the Procurement of Goods and Services in 2019 (Study at the Bandung District Health Office). In the implementation of the 2019 General Procurement Announcement (RUP) there are indications of problems in the implementation of the announcement of the General Procurement Plan (RUP) through the SiRUP application which refers to the Regulation of the Head of the Government Goods and Services Procurement Policy Agency Number 7 of 2018 concerning Guidelines for Planning for Government Procurement of Goods and Services on the procedures for announcing the General Procurement Plan (RUP) through the SiRUP application regarding the Input for the announcement of the General Procurement Plan (RUP), the procedure for selecting the method for selecting providers of goods / construction work / other services. (b) direct procurement; (c) direct appointment; (d) Fast Tender; and (e) Tender and timeliness of announcing the number of goods and services procurement packages according to the identification of needs. Based on secondary data obtained from the Work Unit for the Procurement of Goods and Services (UKPBJ) Bandung Regency, there is data at the Bandung Regency Health Office that is not inputted in the RUP for IDR 35,663,368456.00, the number of packages announced up to March is 198 Packages from the target 1.129 Packages and there are 8 packages for the Direct Appointment Method selection. In this research, the writer used Charles O. Jones theory with 3 variables 1) organization 2) interpretation 3) application. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative research method and tends to use analysts with an indutive approach. Where, through qualitative methods, the writer tries to find an understanding of an object. Data collection techniques are carried out by collecting primary and secondary data through interviews and observations, for secondary data obtained from official documents, in the form of activity reports and applicable laws and regulations. The results of the study show that the implementation of the 2019 government procurement planning policy guidelines at the Bandung District Health Office has not run optimally. This is evidenced by the lack of adequate resources both in terms of quality and quantity, furthermore the method of selection used by direct appointment in this case is contrary to Presidential Regulation Number 16 of 2018 Article 1 Paragraph 38 which reads that direct appointments can be made in certain circumstances such as handling emergencies. Procurement officials do not only focus on the procurement of government goods and services, but on their main duties and responsibilities as Civil Servants. In other words, the procurement task is an additional task, of which the portion of responsibility cannot be optimized. Keywords: Policy Implementation, Planning for Government Procurement of Goods and Services.