Age Estimation of Deutero-Malay Sub Race From Third Molar Using Regression Formula


Development of third molar can be used to estimate age, especially in between 16 to 20s as there are very few other feasible methods during this interval, since by this time all other teeth have completed tooth formation. The purpose of this research is to determine appropriateness of third molar as an indicator for age estimation on deutero-Malay sub race using regression formula produced. The observational analytical research design was done on digital orthopantomographs (OPG) (Picasso Trio, Vatech Korea 2006 with Epx Impla software) of 1957 third molars on 500 deutero-Malay patients from secondary data in Dentomaxillofacial Radiology Installation Dental Hospital, Faculty of Dentistry, Padjadjaran University between ages 9 to 25. Each third molar present was scored according to a 10-stage developmental scale. The к statistics measured in between the intra- and inter-observer reliability is 0.64. The result of this study is that the third molar is appropriate to be used as an indicator for age estimation on deutero-Malay sub race individual with the regression formulae of ‘PA = 0.04S2 + 1.05S + 8.45’ with S.D. of 0.74 for male and ‘PA= 0.02S2 + 1.18S + 8.90’ with S.D. of 0.65 for female respectively. The conclusion of this study based on regression formula obtained found that every third molar is appropriate to be used in age estimation for deutero-Malay sub race.



Deutero Malay, Age estimation, Third Molar
