
ABSTRAK Densitas tulang alveolar merupakan kepadatan unsur mineral pada daerah tertentu di tulang alveolar. Salah satu penyebab penurunan densitas tulang alveolar adalah karena gaya yang diaplikasikan dari alat ortodonti. Nilai densitas dapat diukur menggunakan alat radiografi, yaitu Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendapatkan nilai densitas tulang alveolar pascaaktivasi alat ortodonti lepasan dan memberikan informasi pencitraan keadaan densitas kepada dokter gigi dengan menggunakan CBCT. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan Accidental Sampling. Sebanyak 6 orang sampel diberikan paparan radiasi dengan teknik CBCT sesaat setelah dilakukan aktivasi antara rentang 8-12 kali. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan rata-rata nilai densitas tulang alveolar pascaaktivasi alat ortodonti lepasan sebesar 642,3 HU untuk anterior maksila dan 706 HU untuk anterior mandibula. Selain itu, nilai densitas terrendah didapatkan pada tulang alveolar di daerah servikal gigi. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan terjadi penurunan nilai densitas tulang alveolar pascaaktivasi alat ortodonti lepasan pada regio anterior mandibula dan di tulang alveolar sekitar servikal gigi. Kata Kunci : Densitas Tulang Alveolar, Alat Ortodonti Lepasan, Cone Beam Computed Tomography 3D Description of Alveolar Bone’s Density After Removable Orthodontic Appliances Activation Using Cone Beam Computed Tomography 3D – Sarah Noor Alanna – 160110080053 ABSTRACT The density of alveolar bone was density of minerals in some certain areas in alveolar bone. Decrease in the density of alveolar bone could be caused by force which was produced by application of removable orthodontic appliances. The value of alveolar bone’s density could be measured by radiography imaging technique named Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT). The objective of this research was to describe value of the alveolar bone’s density in postactivation of removable orthodontic appliances and to provide information for dentists about alveolar bone’s density imaging using CBCT technique. This study was a descriptive research which used an accidental sampling. Six patients were given exposure to radiation with CBCT technique shortly after carried out the orthodontic appliances activation in the range of 8-12 times. The result shows the average of value of alveolar bone’s density in postactivation of removable orthodontic appliances are 642.3 HU in the anterior region of maxilla and 706 HU in anterior region of mandible. Besides, the lowest value of alveolar bone’s density is obtained in cervical region of the teeth. In conclusion, there is a decrease in the density of alveolar bone in post-activation of removable orthodontic appliances in anterior region of mandible and in cervical region of the teeth. Keywords: The density of alveolar bone, removable orthodontic appliances, Cone Beam Computed Tomography 3D



densitas tulang alveolar, alat ortodonti lepasan, cone beam computed tomography
