
ABSTRACT Toto Bustomi. 2019. Effect of Application Method and Dosage of N-fixing biofertilizer on N Uptake, Growth and Yield of Rice Plant on saline soils. Supervised by Tualar Simarmata and Betty Natalie Fitriatin. Appropriate method and dosage of N-fixing biofertilizer are the keys to success in increasing N uptake, growth and yield of rice plants on saline soils. Research objectives: 1) To obtain varieties that have the best effect on rice growth and to know the effect of the level of salinity on the growth of rice plants; 2) Obtain application methods and dosages of N-fixing biofertilizers which have the best effect on bacterial populations, N levels, N uptake, growth, yield components and yields of rice plants on saline soil. The research was conducted in April-September 2018 at the BPP Cilamaya Wetan Experimental Garden, using a factorial randomized block design with 3 replications carried out in 2 stages. Stage 1, the first factor is 4 rice varieties (Mekongga, Inpari 32, Inpari 34, Inpari 35), the second factor is the level of salinity (low, medium, high). Phase 2, the first factor is the method of applying N-fixing biofertilizers (300, 400, 700 g. ha-1) and the second factor is the dosage of N-fixing biofertilizers (500, 1000, 1500 g.ha-1 ). The results showed that the Inpari 35 variety had the best effect on the growth of rice plants, an increase in salinity levels decreased the growth of rice plants and the application of N-fixing biofertilizers dosage 1500 g.ha-1 had the best effect on the bacterial population, N levels, N uptake, growth , yield components and increase crop yields of rice on saline soil by 29.70%. Keywords: N-fixing biofertilizers, application method, dosage, rice, saline soil. ABSTRAK Toto Bustomi. 2019. Efek Metoda Aplikasi dan Dosis Pupuk Hayati Penambat N terhadap Serapan N, Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Tanaman Padi pada Tanah Salin. Dibimbing oleh Tualar Simarmata dan Betty Natalie Fitriatin. Metoda aplikasi dan dosis pupuk hayati penambat N yang tepat merupakan kunci keberhasilan dalam meningkatkan serapan N, pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman padi pada tanah salin. Tujuan penelitian : 1) Mendapatkan varietas yang memberikan efek terbaik terhadap pertumbuhan tanaman padi dan mengetahui efek tingkat salinitas terhadap pertumbuhan tanaman padi; 2) Mendapatkan metoda aplikasi dan dosis pupuk hayati penambat N yang memberikan efek terbaik terhadap populasi bakteri, kadar N, serapan N, pertumbuhan, komponen hasil dan hasil tanaman padi pada tanah salin. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan April-September 2018 di Kebun Percobaan BPP Cilamaya Wetan, mengunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok pola faktorial dengan 3 ulangan yang dilaksanakan dalam 2 tahap. Tahap ke-1, faktor ke-1 yaitu 4 varietas padi (Mekongga, Inpari 32, Inpari 34, Inpari 35), faktor ke-2 yaitu tingkat salinitas (rendah, sedang, tinggi). Tahap ke-2, faktor ke-1 yaitu metoda aplikasi pupuk hayati penambat N (300, 400, 700 g.ha-1) dan faktor ke-2 yaitu dosis pupuk hayati penambat N (500, 1000, 1500 g.ha-1). Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa varietas Inpari 35 memberikan efek terbaik terhadap pertumbuhan tanaman padi, kenaikan tingkat salinitas menurunkan pertumbuhan tanaman padi dan aplikasi pupuk hayati penambat N dosis 1500 g.ha-1 memberikan efek terbaik terhadap populasi bakteri, kadar N, serapan N, pertumbuhan, komponen hasil dan meningkatkan hasil panen tanaman padi pada tanah salin sebesar 29,70%. Kata kunci : Pupuk hayati penambat N, metoda aplikasi, dosis, padi, tanah salin.



Pupuk hayati penambat N, metoda aplikasi, dosis

