
ABSTRAK Platform Crowdfunding Wakaf Hasanah dibuat untuk memudahkan masyarakat dalam berwakaf. Namun, potensi wakaf yang besar di Indonesia tidak sebanding dengan jumlah penghimpunan wakaf pada Wakaf Hasanah yang masih jauh dari target. Tujuan penelitian untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi persepsi berwakaf melalui platform Wakaf Hasanah menggunakan teori kombinasi Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) dan Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) serta literasi dan kepercayaan sebagai faktor eksternalnya. Populasinya seluruh masyarakat muslim di Indonesia. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan non-probability sampling sebanyak 369 orang. Penelitian menggunakan metode kuantitatif serta diuji dengan menggunakan alat statistik tertentu yaitu Smart PLS 3.0. Pendekatan penelitian dengan model analisis SEM (Structural Equation Modeling) serta menggunakan data primer yakni kuesioner yang disebarkan kepada masyarakat luas yang beragama Islam dan berusia 17-65 tahun. Hasil penelitian berdasarkan 369 sampel menunjukkan persepsi kemudahan penggunaan berpengaruh positif terhadap persepsi kegunaan. Persepsi kegunaan berpengaruh positif terhadap sikap masyarakat. Persepsi kemudahan penggunaan berpengaruh positif terhadap sikap. Namun, sikap terhadap platform Wakaf Hasanah berpengaruh negatif terhadap intensi berwakaf melalui platform Wakaf Hasanah. Norma subjektif berpengaruh positif terhadap intensiberwakaf uang melalui platform Wakaf Hasanah. Persepsi kontrol perilaku berpengaruh negatif terhadap intensi berwakaf melalui platform Wakaf Hasanah. Literasi dan kepercayaan berpengaruh positif terhadap intensi berwakaf melalui platform Wakaf Hasanah . Dan intensi berpengaruh positif terhadap perilaku berwakaf uang melalui platform Wakaf Hasanah. Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan informasi sebagai upaya meningkatkan penghimpunan wakaf uang di Indonesia. Kata Kunci : Platform Crowdfunding, Wakaf Uang, TAM-TPB, Literasi, Kepercayaan   ABSTRACT The Hasanah Waqf Crowdfunding Platform was created to make it easier for people to have waqf. However, the large potential of waqf in Indonesia is not comparable to the amount of waqf collection in Hasanah Waqf which is still far from the target. The research objective was to analyze the factors that influence the perception of waqf through the Hasanah Waqf platform using a combination theory of Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) as well as literacy and trust as external factors. The population is all Muslim communities in Indonesia. The sampling technique used non-probability sampling as many as 369 people. The research used quantitative methods and was tested using certain statistical tools, namely Smart PLS 3.0. The research approach is using SEM (Structural Equation Modeling) analysis model and uses primary data by distributing questionnaire to wider Muslims community aged 17-65 years. The results of the study based on 369 samples showed that perceived ease of use had a positive effect on perceived usefulness. Perceived usefulness has a positive effect on people`s attitudes. Perceived ease of use has a positive effect on attitudes. However, the attitude towards the Wakaf Hasanah platform has a negative effect on the intention to do waqf through the Wakaf Hasanah platform. Subjective norms have a positive effect on the intention to donate money through the Wakaf Hasanah platform. Perceptions of behavioral control have a negative effect on the intention of waqf through the Wakaf Hasanah platform. Literacy and trust have a positive effect on intention for waqf through the Wakaf Hasanah platform. And the intention has a positive effect on the behavior of waqf money through the Wakaf Hasanah platform. This research is expected to provide information as an effort to increase the collection of cash waqf in Indonesia. Keywords: Crowdfunding Platform, Money Waqf, TAM-TPB, Literacy, Trust  



Platform Crowdfunding, Wakaf Uang, TAM-TPB

