PENGARUH DEBT COVENANT, MULTINASIONALITAS, DAN EXCHANGE RATE TERHADAP TRANSFER PRICING (Studi Empiris Perusahaan Manufaktur yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia Pada Tahun 2018-2021)


In the midst of rapid changes in the global business environment, manufacturing companies face various challenges, including increasingly fierce global competition, technological advancements, ever-changing regulations, and diverse consumer demands. One of the challenges faced by manufacturing companies is tax avoidance, where one of the tax avoidance issues practiced by companies is transfer pricing, which also has an impact on global competition. This research aims to analyze the influence of debt covenants, multinationality, and exchange rates on transfer pricing. This research is quantitative in nature, using data collection methods based on documents as the primary source of information. The sample size for this study was determined using a purposive sampling approach, resulting in a total of 116 observations. The research method employed panel data regression analysis with an unbalanced panel data approach. The estimation of the regression model parameters in panel data analysis was done using a fixed effect approach. The research results indicate that, partially, debt covenants, multinationality, and exchange rates have an influence on transfer pricing but are not statistically significant. However, when considered together, debt covenants, multinationality, and exchange rates have a significant impact on transfer pricing, with an R-squared (R2) of 79.3137%, while the remaining 20.6863% is explained by other factors (p < 0.05). Keywords: debt covenant, multinationality, exchange rate, and transfer pricing.



debt covenant, multinasionalitas, exchange rate

