A Political Economic Analysis of Policy Implementation Process of Teacher Distribution in Bandar Lampung, Indonesia


Because of its characteristics and externalities, education has become a public good. Therefore, the government is responsible not only for its provision, but also for ensuring equity in its provision. Teacher distribution is proved to be a good policy to support the provision of equal education. However, a good policy itself cannot guarantee the success of the desired outcome from its designer if it is not properly implemented. The decentralization system in Indonesia regulates the provision of education as a concurrent or coexisting responsibility between the central and local governments. Accordingly, there is still an ambiguity in the implementation of the teacher distribution policy. A joint decree from five ministries issued in 2011 concerning teacher distribution was issued as a solution for that problem. Yet, as the teacher distribution policy is not fully implemented, it leaves questions on what are the supporting and constraining factors for the implementation of the policy. The intent of this research is to answer the question mentioned above, by analyzing relevant data related to Bandar Lampung (township in Indonesia). The findings suggest that the teacher distribution policy could be properly implemented if the local government of Bandar Lampung has the commitment. Moreover, incentives used in the political economic process by the government for civil servant teachers will stimulate policy-effectiveness of the distribution teachers in Bandar Lampung.



commitment, equity, incentives
