Differences in Cleanliness Calcium Hydroxide with Manual Irrigation Technique, Machine technique with Canal Brush, and Sonic at Apical Third of Root Canal


Cleanliness medicaments calcium hydroxide in the apical third of root canal area is essential prior to filling. Calcium hydroxide residue can interfere attachment root canal filling material and canal wall. Aims of this study to measure the difference in the cleanliness of medicaments calcium hydroxide on when the apical third of the root canal irrigated with manual irrigation techniques,machine techniques with canal brush and sonic techniques with irigant NaOCl 2,5%, aquades and EDTA 17%. Thirty mandibular premolars performed root canal preparation with needle Pro Tapper to master apical file size F3, then irrigated and used calcium hydroxide as a medicament and closed with glass ionomer cement, after 7 days then calcium hydroxide cleaned with irrigation techniques. The sample of this study was divided into three groups, the first group irrigation with manual techniques using irrigation needle + NaOCl 2,5%+aquades+EDTA 17% ,canals brush+NaOCl 2,5%+aquades+EDTA 17% and sonic using endoactivator+NaOCl 2,5%+aquades+EDTA 17%. Sample bisected bucco-lingually, the residu was measured with Axiocam program which is integrated in stereomicroscope. All data were analysed with analysys of varians. The results of this study demonstrate the average value of calcium hydroxide residual surface on irrigation techniques manual is 0,049 mm2, canals brush is 0,043 mm2, and in sonic irrigation techniques is 0,040 mm2. It can be concluded that there are differences between three techniques used but statistically there was no significant differences among the three groups.



Cleanliness Calcium Hydroxide, Manual Irrigation Technique, Canal Brush
