Digital Government Success Factors Dalam Pembayaran Pajak Kendaraan Bermotor Berbasis Aplikasi SAMSAT Mobile Jawa Barat (SAMBARA) Pada Badan Pendapatan Daerah Provinsi Jawa Barat


This study aims to identify how successful digital government is in paying motor vehicle taxes based on the West Java SAMSAT Mobile (SAMBARA) application at the Regional Revenue Agency of West Java Province. This study uses a descriptive qualitative approach by conducting in-depth interviews with informants in the data collection stage, observation and documentation researchers. Implementation, supply (digital services), adoption (Gil-garcia & Flores-zúñiga, 2020) on motor vehicle tax payments based on the West Java SAMSAT Mobile application is currently not effective. Some findings include the presence of the Regional Revenue Operational Service Center (PLOPD) as a management unit for revenue information system innovation. Realization based on the variable states that motor vehicle tax revenue through digital application services is quite developed and has increased. The average user perception welcomes the presence of SAMBARA with a rating in the good category. However, there are still negative responses based on the most types of complaints, namely users have problems making payments so that the level of electronic-based payments is still very low, it is possible that brokering practices can still occur and require a facial verification feature.



digital government, pkb, sambara
