
ABSTRAK Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh adanya fenomena mengenai keluarga disfungsional. Individu yang memiliki masalah pada keluarga tentu memerlukan bantuan pihak ketiga yaitu pekerja sosial. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk melihat proses pelayanan sosial oleh pekerja sosial di LK3 Kota Cimahi dilihat dari sudut pandang pendeketan family centered practice. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data dan informasi dilakukan dengan cara observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Partisipan meliputi pekerja sosial, konselor dan klien LK3 Kota Cimahi. Penelitian menunjukan bahwa pekerja sosial di LK3 Kota Cimahi melakukan pelayanan sosial dimulai dari adanya penjangkauan atau dengan adanya aduan lalu masuk ke tahap engagment, assesmen, perencanaan intervensi, pelaksanaan intervensi , evaluasi dan terminasi. Kompetensi, elemen, strategi yang dilakukan sudah sesuai dengan komponen family centered practice. Indikator keberhasilan yang dipegang oleh pekerja sosial dan konselor yaitu merujuk pada tujuan-tujuan pekerja sosial yang tercapai. Tujuan tersebut diantaranya enhance the problem solving and coping capacities of people dan link people with system that provide them with resourses, service, and opportunities. Kata Kunci: Keluarga, Pelayanan Sosial, Pekerja Sosial, Family Centered Practice   ABSTRACT This research is based by on phenomenon of dysfunctional families. Individuals who have family problems certainly need the help of a third party, namely social workers. The purpose of this study is to look at the process of social services by social workers at LK3 Cimahi City from the perspective of a family centered practice approach. This study uses a qualitative approach. Data and information collection techniques are carried out by means of observation, interviews and documentation. Participants in this study were social workers, counselors and LK3 clients in Cimahi City. The results of the study showed that social workers at LK3 Cimahi City carried out social services starting from outreach or complaints and then entered the engagement, assessment, intervention planning, intervention implementation, evaluation and termination stages. The competencies, elements, strategies implemented are in accordance with the components of family centered practice. Indicators of success held by social workers and counselors refer to the goals achieved by social workers. These goals include enhancing the problem solving and coping capacities of people and linking people with systems that provide them with resources, services, and opportunities. Keywords: family, social services, social workers, family centered practice



Keluarga, Pelayanan Sosial, Pekerja Sosial
