Analisis Genetik Jagung (Zea mays L.) Toleran Naungan pada sistem Agroforestri dengan Albizia (Paraserianthes L. Nielsen).

dc.contributor.advisorNoladhi Wicaksana
dc.contributor.advisorYuyun Yuwariah
dc.contributor.authorMUHAMMAD SYAFI`I
dc.description.abstractABSTRACT Maize developmentprogram forpotential of high yielding, high protein contents, pest-diseases resistance and abiotic stress tolerance is a breeding strategies to generate superior inbred lines as to assemble varieties. Activities have been carried out by the collection, identification, confirmation test, analysis of genetic parameters, estimation of genetic distance and genetic diversity as well as the gene action of maizeshade tolerant under agroforestry systems with Albizia. Research to identify Unpad maize-shade tolerant under agroforestry systems with Albizia conducted in PasirAnginExperimental Field, CibeureumKulon village, Cimalaka sub-district, Sumedangdistrictin April 2014-August 2014, aims to determine the response of unpad maize-shade tolerant under agroforestry systems with Albizia based on morphological characters, physiology and agronomy as well as tolerance index. The experiment was arranged with the design of split plot design 2 replications, to determine the level of tolerance of each genotype to Albiziashade. The second study was conducted in Air TalangExperimental Field, Rancakalong sub-district, Sumedangdistrictin September 2014-February 2015, aiming for a confirmatory test of maize-shade tolerant at various levels of shade with paranet 15%, 35%, 45% and no shade (control). The experiment was arranged with the design of split plot design two replications. GGE biplot analysis and tolerance indexanalysis based on agronomic characters to determine the best inbred lines in the shade environment. A third study conducted in KutamandiriExperimental Field, Tanjungsarisub-district Sumedangdistrictin December 2015 - March 2016, aims to study the genetic inheritance patterns, estimation of genetic models, as well as the level of dominance in the maize-shade tolerant under agroforestry systems with Albizia with the method of generation mean analysis (GMA). The experiment is based on a randomized block design of the 9 sets a population of six generations (P1, P2, F1, F2, BC1 and BC2) is repeated twice. Analysis of simple additive-dominant models done by using Individual scaling test and Joint scaling test. The fourth study was conducted at the Lab. Analysis and Plant Biotechnology, Faculty of Agriculture, Padjadjaran University in March 2015-November 2015, aimed to estimate the genetic distance and phylogenetic relationship unpad maize-shade tolerant based on SSR markers. The results showed that the inbred lines of maizeunpad have diversity in morphology, physiology and agronomy characters and genetic distance far enough, and there are four groups for identification of genetic diversity. There are 37 groups of Albizia-shade tolerant genotypes and 45 genotypes susceptible to based on stress tolerance index (STI). Based on analysis of GGE biplot, M5DR5.5.1 genotype is the best for Albizia-shade and without shade and M5BR 153.15.1genotypeis lowest. Based on the values of stress tolerance index components are 25 genotypes is stable tolerant consistently in shade 15%, 35% and 45%, namely M7DR3.1.4; DR4; DR7; DR8; DR9; DR10; DR11; DR14; DR17; DR20; BR153; M7DR3.1.10; M7DR3.6.1; M7DR4.8.8; M7DR5.4.1; M7DR5.5.1; M7DR7.1.9; M7DR7.4.1; M7DR9.1.3; M7DR10.2.2; M7DR 14.1.1; M7DR14.2.2; M7DR16.1.1; M7DR16.6.14 and M7DR18.4.1; and 11 genotypes consistently susceptible to shade stress that is M7DR1.1.3; M7DR7.2.5; M7DR16.5.15; G-632, G-2031, DR21, G-634, G-3075, G20B3077, G-207 and G-622. Genotype of M5DR7.4.1 is the best for all shaded environment and M5DR 10.2.2 is specific best for the environment without shade. There are conformity with additive-dominant model and notnon-allelic interaction on number of rows per earcharacters. Within their genetic model plant height: m [d] [h] [i]; earheightcharacter: m [d] [h] [j] [i]; internode lengthcharacter: m [d] [h] [i] [l]; ear diameter characters: m [d] [h] [i] [l]; ear weight per ear characters: m [d] [h] [i] [l]; and grain weight per ear charactersis m [d] [h] [i]. Broad sense heritability of all characters between -0,13-11,23 (low to high) and narrow sense heritability between -0.18-1,78 (low to high). There is a high genetic variability based on SSR markers with Jaccard’s coefficient between 0:16 to 0:47 (16-47%). Key words: Agroforestry, maize, generation mean analysis, shading ABSTRAK Program pengembangan jagung potensial berdaya hasil tinggi, kandungan protein tinggi, resisten hama penyakit serta toleran terhadap cekaman abiotik merupakan strategi pemuliaan tanaman untuk menghasilkan galur unggul sebagai bahan merakit varietas unggul.Kegiatan telah dilakukan dengan melakukan koleksi, identifikasi, uji konfirmasi, studi parameter genetik, estimasi jarak genetik dan keragaman serta kendali genetik jagung toleran naungan pada sistem agroforestri dengan Albizia. Penelitianuntuk mengidentifikasi jagung unpad toleran naungan pada sistem agroforestri dengan Albiziadilakukan di KebunPercobaanBlok Pasir Angin, Desa Cibeureum Kulon, Kec. Cimalaka Kab. Sumedang pada April 2014-Agustus 2014,bertujuanuntukmengetahuirespongalur-galur jagung unpad toleran naungan pada sistem agroforestri dengan Albizia berdasarkankaraktermorfologi, fisiologi dan agronomi serta indeks toleransi. Percobaandisusundengan rancangan split plot design 2 kali ulangan, untukmenentukantingkat toleransi tiap genotipe terhadap naunganAlbizia. Penelitian kedua dilakukan di Kebun Percobaan Desa Talang Air, Kec. Rancakalong Kab. Sumedang pada September 2014-Februari 2015, bertujuan untuk uji konfirmasi galur-galur jagung toleran naungan pada berbagai level naungan dengan paranet 15 %, 35 %, 45 % dan tanpa naungan (kontrol).Percobaandisusundengan rancangan split plot design 2 kali ulangan.Analisis GGE biplot dan analisis parameter indeks toleransi berdasarkankarakteragronomi untuk menentukan galur-galur terbaik pada lingkungan naungan tersebut.Penelitianketigadilakukandi Kebun Percobaan Desa Kutamandiri, Kec. Tanjungsari Kab. Sumedang padabulan Desember 2015 -Maret 2016, bertujuan untukmempelajaripola pewarisan genetik, pendugaan model genetik, serta tingkat dominansi pada jagung toleran naungan pada sistem agroforestri dengan Albizia dengan metode generation mean analysis (GMA). Percobaandisusunberdasarkanrancanganacakkelompokterhadap9 set populasi enam generasi (P1, P2, F1, F2, BC1 dan BC2) diulangdua kali. Analisis model simple aditif-dominan dilakukan dengan menggunakan uji skala dan uji skala gabungan. Penelitian keempat dilakukan di Lab. Analisis dan Bioteknologi Tanaman, Faperta Unpad pada Maret 2015-November 2015, bertujuan untuk mengestimasi jarak genetik dan hubungan kekerabatan galur-galur jagung unpad toleran naungan berdasarkan marka SSR. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa galur-galur jagung unpad mempunyai keragaman morfologi, fisiologi dan agronomi yang luas dan jarak genetik cukup jauh serta terdapat empat kelompok sebagai penciri keragaman genetik. Terdapat 37 kelompok genotipe yang toleran naungan Albizia dan 45 genotipe peka naungan berdasarkan indeks toleransi (STI). Berdasarkan analisis GGE biplot, genotipe terbaik adalah M5DR 5.5.1 untuk naungan Albiziadan tanpa naungan serta genotipe terendah M5BR 153.15.1. Berdasarkan nilai komponen indeks toleransi terdapat 25 genotipe stabil toleran pada naunngan 15 %, 35 % dan 45 % yaitu M7DR3.1.4; DR4; DR7; DR8; DR9; DR10; DR11; DR14; DR17; DR20; BR153; M7DR3.1.10; M7DR3.6.1; M7DR4.8.8; M7DR5.4.1; M7DR5.5.1; M7DR7.1.9; M7DR7.4.1; M7DR9.1.3; M7DR10.2.2; M7DR 14.1.1; M7DR14.2.2; M7DR16.1.1; M7DR16.6.14 dan M7DR18.4.1; serta11 genotipe konsisten peka naungan yaitu M7DR1.1.3; M7DR7.2.5; M7DR16.5.15; G-632, G-2031, DR21, G-634, G-3075, G20B3077, G-207 dan G-622. Genotipe M5DR 7.4.1 terbaik untuk semua lingkungan ternaungi dan M5DR 10.2.2 spesifik terbaik untuk lingkungan tanpa naungan. Terdapat kesesuaian dengan model genetik aditif-dominan dan tidak ada interaksi non-alelikpada karakter jumlah baris per tongkol.Model genetik yang sesui dengan karakter tinggi tanaman: m [d] [h] [i]; karakter tinggi tongkol: m [d] [h] [j] [l]; karakter panjang ruas: m [d] [h] [i] [l]; karakter diameter tongkol: m [d] [h] [i] [l]; karakter bobot tongkol per tongkol: m [d] [h] [i] [l]; dan karakter bobot pipil per tongkol adalah m [d] [h] [i].Heritabilitas arti luas semua karakter antara -0,13-11,23 (rendah-tinggi), dan heritabilitas arti sempit antara -0.18-1,78 (rendah-tinggi). Terdapat variabilitas genetik tinggi berdasarkan marka SSR dengan nilai koefisien Jaccard antara 0.16-0.47 (16-47 %). Kata kunci: agroforestri, jagung, analisis rata-rata generasi, naungan
dc.subjectanalisis rata-rata generasi
dc.titleAnalisis Genetik Jagung (Zea mays L.) Toleran Naungan pada sistem Agroforestri dengan Albizia (Paraserianthes L. Nielsen).


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