Kualitas Layanan Perpustakaan Berdasarkan Harapan Dan Persepsi Mahasiswa
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ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan mengukur sejauh apa kualitas layanan pada perpustakaan FTIP UNPAD menggunakan instrumen LibQual+TM, yakni model pengukurankualitas layanan berdasarkan persepsi dan harapan terhadap tiga dimensi, yaituAffect of Service (sikap dan kemampuan petugas perpustakaan dalam melayanipemustaka), Information Control (kemampuan dan kemudahan mengendalikanakses informasi bagi pemustaka) dan Library as Place (perpustakaan sebagaitempat dan suasana yang melingkupi). Responden diminta menilai dengan tigakriteria, yaitu harapan minimum (minimum), harapan sesungguhnya (desired), danpersespi (perceived. Kualitas layanan adalah kesenjangan (gap) antara persepsi(perceived) dengan harapan minimum (minimum) atau harapan sesungguhnya(desired). Pengambilan data menggunakan kuesioner yang terdiri atas 22 item pernyataan. Responden diminta menilai dengan skala 1 – 9, nilai terendah 1 dan nilai tertinggi 9. Hasil penelitian menyatakan bahwa perpustakaan FakultasTeknologi Industri Pertanian Universitas Padjadjaran secara umum cukupmemuaskan. Hal ini ditunjukan oleh nilai persepsi, yaitu 6,28 yang masih lebihtinggi jika dibandingkan dengan nilai minimum, yaitu 6,23. Nilai kesenjanganyang diperoleh adalah 0,05 yang menunjukan bahwa Adequacy Gap (AG) bernilaipositif. Nilai harapan sesungguhnya (desired) yang diperoleh adalah 7,63 yangmenghasilkan nilai kesenjangan Superiority Gap (SG) bernilai negatif -1,35.Kedua nilai tersebut (AG dan SG) menunjukan kualitas layanan berada pada bataswilayah toleransi (zone of tolerance).Kata Kunci : LibQual+TM, Kualitas Layanan, Kepuasan Pemustaka, Persepsi, Harapan ABSTRACT This study aimed to measure how far the library service quality in AcademicLibrary using LibQual+TM instrument, the measurement model of service qualitybased on perceptions and expectations of the three dimensions consist Affect ofService (the attitude and the ability of library staff in serving students),Information Control (ability and ease of controlling access to information forstudent users) and library as place (library as place and atmospheresurrounding). Respondents were asked to rate the three criteria, namely theminimum expectations (minimum), desired, and perceived. Service quality is agap between the perceptions (perceived) with the minimum expectations(minimum) or expectations (Desired). Respondents were asked to assess the scaleof 1-9, the lowest 1 and highest value of 9. Results of the research stated library ofthe Faculty of Industrial Technology of Agriculture, UNPAD in general quitesatisfactory, that perceived value 6.28 which is still higher when compared to theminimum value, 6.23. Gap value is 0.05 which indicated that the Adequacy gap(AG) was positive. Desired value obtained 7,63 which produced the gap valueSuperiority gap (SG) was negative -1.35. These values (AG and SG) showed thatservice quality was at the limit of tolerance (zone of tolerance).Key words : LibQual+TM, Service Quality, Users Satisfaction, perception,expectation
kualitas layanan, perpustakaan, persepsi mahasiswa