Implementation of Social Protection Program for Women Workers in the Garments Industry of Bangladesh


ABSTRACT The Bangladeshi garment sector is a leading garment manufacturing industry in the world and this sector is dominated by women workers. The purpose of this study is to assess the implementation of social protection program for women workers in Bangladesh`s garment industry. This research used qualitative approach with adequate description and the technique of the study was case study. Data were collected through in-depth interviews toward workers, compliance and admin department. The study found the following results of this research there are much social protection problem in the readymade garments sector about the health status and safe working environments rules fully violated .Readymade garments workers are most of uneducated or low educated so they don’t know what is their right about their job .they don’t get proper information too. RMG sector in Bangladesh building, fire and health hazards, and the owner is responsible



Social Protection, Women Workers, Garments Industry
