
Based on the Banten Provincial government policy, where to increase local revenue is to carry out development activities in various fields. One of them is utilising natural resources such as mining by using existing science and technology but must consider environmental geological and non-geological aspects of the environment so that a mineable zone and mining reliance that does not overlap with the regional layout plan can be realised. Referring to the above, the researcher conducted an activity in the form of research on the Zoning Analysis of the Feasibility of Mining Non-Metallic Mineral Resources Bentonite Commodities in Lebak Regency, especially in Sajira, Curugbitung and Maja, this area was studied because of the abundant bentonite resources and easy access to the area. The research activity is divided into several stages, the research begins with the investigation stage, conducts several literature studies which are used as a reference for conducting research, then the field work stage or primary data collection, after that performs data analysis such as regional genetic unit analysis, spatial analysis, holistic valuation analysis regional genetic unit, and SWOT analysis, the last stage is making a result report. Based on the results of the regional genetic unit evaluation analysis, it can be concluded that Curugbitung and Sajra sub-districts have high potential or are very feasible to mine with potential values reaching above 200, while Maja sub-district has medium potential or is quite feasible to mine with a potential value of 162. Based on the factors of Strenght, Weakness, Opportunity and Threat or abbreviated as SWOT. Curugbitung and Sajira sub-districts can become the prime area for bentonite mining because of abundant reserves, close to road access, low landslide hazard level, high market share and in the RTRW included in the mining area plan. Keywords : bentonite, mining, regional genetic unit



Bentonit, Pertambangan, Satuan Genetik Wilayah
