
Hati adalah organ yang sering terpapar oleh substansi toksik maupun produk metabolismnya seperti radikal bebas yang dapat menyebabkan kerusakan membran sel hati sehingga mengakibatkan peningkatan kadar enzim hati seperti SGPT di dalam darah.Kerusakan hati dapat dihambat dengan pelbagai zat yang bersifat hepatoprotektor seperti antioksidan yang mudah didapat dari sumber alam seperti daun sukun (Artocarpus altilis).Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah infusa daun sukun mempunyai efek hepatoprotektif dengan menghambat kenaikan kadar SGPT pada tikus yang diinduksi CCl4. Penelitian eksperimental laboratorik dengan rancangan acak lengkap terhadap 15 ekor tikus jantan galur Wistar yang dibagi menjadi 3 kelompok. Kelompok I (kontrol negatif) hanya mendapat minum dan makanan standar, kelompok II (kontrol positif) yang diinduksi 8 ml/kgBB CCl4 intraperitoneal pada hari ke-6, dan kelompok III (perlakuan) mendapat infusa daun sukun 4,75% melalui gastric tube selama 6 hari dan diinduksi 8 ml/kgBB CCl4 intraperitoneal pada hari ke-6. Pada hari ke-9 dilakukan pengukuran kadar SGPT pada semua kelompok. Hasilnya dianalisis dengan uji ANOVA dan dilanjutkan dengan uji Dunnet T3. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapatperbedaan bermakna (p 0,05) antara rata-rata kadar SGPT padakelompok I dan III. Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah infusa daun sukun mempunyai efek hepatoprotektifdengan menghambat kenaikan kadar SGPTtikus yang diinduksi CCl4.Liver is an organ that often exposed to toxic substances or its metabolism products like free radicals that can cause liver cell membrane damage resulting in elevated level of liver enzymes such asSGPT in the blood.Liver damagecan bepreventedbyvarioussubstances whicharehepatoprotectorsuch asantioxidantsare easy to getfromnaturalsourceslike leaves ofbreadfruit(Artocarpus altilis). The aim of this study is to determine whether the infusion of breadfruit leaves have the hepatoprotective effect byprevents the increase of SPGT level in the ratinduced with CCl4. A laboratory experimental study with randomized complete design has been conducted on 15 male Wistar rats whichdivided into 3 groups. Group I (negative control) only receive water and standard food, group II (positive control) were induced by 8 ml/kgBW CCl4 intraperitoneally on 6th day, and group III (treatment) were given 4.75% breadfruit leaves infusion through gastric tube for 6 days and were induced by 8 ml/kgBW CCl4 intraperitoneally on 6th day. On 9th day SPGT level measurement was done for all groups. The results were analyzed using ANOVA test and Dunnet T3 test subsequently. The results showed that there were significant differences (p of SGPTin group II with group I and III. Meanwhile, there were no significant differences (p> 0.05) between average levels of SGPT in group I and III. The conclusion of this research is breadfruit leaves infusion have hepatoprotective effect by prevents the increase of SPGT level in the ratinduced with CCl4.



daun sukun, hepatoprotektif, CCl4

