
ABSTRAK Disertasi yang berjudul, “Konstruksi Mitos Teroris melalui Bits Arrangement pada Seni Peran dalam Film Long Road To Heaven”, untuk menjawab tiga masalah seni peran dalam mengonstruksi mitos teroris, antara lain: 1) Bagaimana bits arrangment mengonstruksi mitos teroris?; 2) Apa faktor penentu yang dapat mengonstruksi mitos teroris?; 3) Mengapa seni peran dalam film Long Road To Heaven dapat mengonstruksi mitos teroris? Sumber data primer adalah acting pada film Long Road To Heaven, sumber data sekunder adalah skenario & sutradara. Filmnya berjudul, ‘Long Road Road To Heaven’ yang diproduksi oleh Teleproductions International (Amerika) bekerja sama dengan Kalyana Shira Films (Indonesia), sutradara Enison Sinaro (Indonesia), skenario oleh Andy Logam Tan dan Wong Wai Leng (Singapura). Film tersebut menceritakan tragedi pengeboman di Club malam Paddy’s Pub dan Sari Club, Jl. Legian, Kuta, Bali, pada 12 oktober 2002. Peristiwa yang dikenal Bom Bali I itu menewaskan 202 jiwa dan 209 orang luka-luka. Untuk menemukan segi-segi yang esensial dalam acting ditempuh prosedur Objective Analysis Method. Sebagai grand theory menggunakan metafisika Aristoteles ‘Hyle-Morphism’; Middle Theory menggunakan Semantic Differential menurut Charles Osgood; Operational Theory menggunakan Bits Arrangement dalam Realistic Acting menurut Konstantin Stanislavski; dan sebagai cultural analysis menggunakan Mythologies menurut Roland Barthes. Adapun hasil yang dicapai antara lain: 1) Faktor-faktor penentu konstruksi mitos teroris. 2) Efektivitas konsep dan metode bits arrangment dalam action. 3) Makna Seni Peran dalam film Long Road To Heaven. Temuan-temuan tersebut membuktikan bahwa konsep bits arrangement dapat dijadikan landasan evaluatif sekaligus menjadi metode penciptaan seni peran demi peningkatkan mutu hidup. ABSTRACT The dissertation entitled, "Construction of Terrorist Myths through Bits Arrangement on Acting in the Film Long Road To Heaven", is to answer three problems of role art in constructing terrorist myths, among others: 1) How is bits arrangment constructing terrorist myths ?; 2) What are the determining factors that can construct a terrorist myth ?; 3) Why the acting in the film Long Road To Heaven can construct a terrorist myth? Primary data sources are acting in the film Long Road To Heaven, secondary data sources are actors & directors. The film is titled, `Long Road Road To Heaven` which is produced by Teleproductions International (America) in collaboration with Kalyana Shira Films (Indonesia), director Enison Sinaro (Indonesia), screenplay by Andy Logam Tan and Wong Wai Leng (Singapore). The film tells of the tragedy of the bombing at Paddy`s Pub and Sari Club, Jl. Legian, Kuta, Bali, on 12 October 2002. The incident known as the Bali Bombing I killed 202 people and injured 209 people. To find essential aspects of acting, the Objective Analysis Method procedure is used. As a grand theory, using Aristotle`s metaphysics `Hyle-Morphism`; Middle Theory uses the Semantic Differential according to Charles Osgood; Operational Theory uses Bits Arrangement in Realistic Acting according to Konstantin Stanislavski; and as a cultural analysis using Mythologies according to Roland Barthes. The results achieved include: 1) Determinants of the construction of the terrorist myth. 2) The effectiveness of bits arrangment concepts and methods in action. 3) The meaning of acting in the film Long Road To Heaven. These findings prove that the concept of bits arrangement can be used as an evaluative basis as well as a method of creating acting in order to improve the quality of life



aktor, bits, mitos.

