Penulisan Partikel HE Pada Adjektiva Bahasa Rusia


ABSTRACT The titled of this thesis is The Writing System of Particles не With Adjective In Russian. In this thesis discussed the ways and rules that affect a diseparating or separating written of particles ‘не with an adjectives in Russian language. The method of this thesis used description-analysis method. The theories in this research taken from Vinogradov (1954), Valgina (1962), Pulkina (1975), Svedova and Lopatina (1989), Bobrova (1999), Valgina (2000), Rozental (1962, 1996). The source of data was taken from the articles contained on the Russian-language online newspaper "Rossiskkaya Gazeta" that is downloaded by the site These results indicate that the particle не and adjectives in Russian language could be written diseparately or separately depending on the ways and rules that influence in it sentence.



Partikel, Bahasa, Rusia
