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Item ANALISIS ANOMALI KANDUNGAN TOTAL SULFUR BATUBARA SEAM X78 FORMASI BALIKPAPAN DI DAERAH SEPARI KALIMANTAN TIMUR(2014-04-24) TEDDY TRESNANTO; Yoga Andriana Sendjaja; Budi MuljanaABSTRACTCoal seam X78 at Balikpapan Formation, Kutai Basin, laterally has a totalsulfur content of anomalies, which in the north and south of the study area is quitehigh sulfur content than in the central part of the study area with an increasing trendto the south of the study area.Intent of this study was to determine the relationship of depositionalenvironment of coal and rock influences anomalies flanking the total sulfur content ofseam X78. The method of analysis used was the proximate analysis to determine theash content and calories, ash chemical analysis to determine the content of Na2O,petrographic analysis to determine the maceral composition, forms of sulfur analysisto determine the type of sulfur and SEM analysis to determine the type of pyrite, totest the effect of total content sulfur rocks flanking the total sulfur content of the coalseam X78, performed the statistical analysis.From the analysis of known petrographic maceral composition maceraldominated by herbaceous plant origin, with a tendency towards the north to thesouth of the study area, showed an increase in maceral composition of nativeherbaceous plants and inversely proportional to the maceral composition of plantorigin further to the south where the wood dwindle.Coal seam possible X78 deposited in lower delta plain environments with subenvironment limnic - marsh.Based on the statistical analysis of the influence of rock flanking, the totalsulfur content anomalies seam X78, rock flanking affect the total sulfur content of thecoal seam X78, especially on block 1 total sulfur coal seam X78 is influenced by thetotal sulfur content of the rocks flanking the top and the total sulfur content of therock flanking the bottom .Item FASIES PENGENDAPAN BATUBARA SEAM X25 FORMASI BALIKPAPAN DAERAH SEPARI, KABUPATEN KUTAI KARTANEGARA, PROVINSI KALIMANTAN TIMUR BERDASARKAN LOG INSIDE CASING(2012) DANY MARGAESA; Tidak ada Data Dosen; Tidak ada Data DosenABSTRAK Cekungan Kutai yang terletak di Kalimantan Timur menyimpan banyak kandungan sumber daya alam yang melimpah diantaranya adalah endapan batubara yang sangat potensial sebagai salah satu bahan bakar di bidang industri. Metode pemboran eksplorasi dan geofisika well logging selain banyak digunakan juga dikembangkan untuk mencari metode yang efisien, murah, cepat dan beresiko kecil. Log Inside Casing bukan hal yang baru dalam dunia pemboran minyak dan batubara, namun masih sedikit peneliti mengkaji secara kuantitatif melalui metode ini Oleh sebab itu penelitian ini akan banyak mengkaji secara komprehensif dari pemilihan alat geofisika well logging, metode hingga akhirnya data tersebut dapat digunakan untuk mengkaji elektrofasies sebagai dasar analisis lingkungan pengendapan batubara di daerah Separi dan sekitarnya. Berdasarkan data sekunder dari PT. Sinergy Consultancy Services yang diperoleh sejak tahun 2008 terkait data pemboran dan geofisika well logging dengan metode akusisi Log Inside Casing di bawah operasional pemegang ijin Kuasa Pertambangan ABE (PT. Arzara Baraindo Energitama), JMB (PT. Jembayan Muarabara) dan KRA (PT. Kemilau Rindang Abadi) akan dimanfaatkan sebagai pembuktian dan terobosan baru dalam pembelajaran metode eksplorasi modern pada aplikasi batubara. Metode Log Inside Casing ternyata memiliki deviasi yang besar terkait nilai (output) yang dihasilkan, namun demikian Log Gamma Ray masih dapat digunakan dalam membaca perubahan tekstur batuan sedimen sehingga suksesi sedimen dapat dipelajari sebagai aplikasi elektrofasies. Dengan metode tersebut telah diidentifikasi bahwa batubara seam X25 sebagai objek penelitian adalah dibedakan menjadi dua fasies berbeda dan diendapkan pada lingkungan Transitional Lower Delta Plain dengan memperlihatkan pola fasies crevasse splay, channel, levee dan interdistributary bay berdasarkan model Horne (1978). ABSTRACT Kutai Basin which located in Eastern Kalimantan stored a lot of abundant natural resources such as: coal deposit which has big potential to be a fuel in the industrial field. Both explorations drilling method and well logging geophysics besides it’s heavily used; it is also developed in order to find a cheap, efficient yet low-risk method. Log Inside Casing is not a new thing in both oil and coal drilling world. But, there are still a few researcher who’re quantitively analyze through this method. So therefore, this research will heavily analyze comprehensively starts from geophysical well logging equipment, methods and finally after all of those done, the data can be used to analyze the electro fasies as a basic analysis towards the deposition coal environment in around Separi area. Based on PT. Sinergy Consultancy Service secondary data which have been collected since 2008, which related to both drilling data and well logging geophysics, with the Log Inside Casing acquisition method under the operational of license holders mining, names such as: ABE (PT. Arzara Baraindo Energitama), JMB (PT. Jembayan Muarabara), and KRA (PT. Kemilau Rindang Abadi) will be used as both new breakthrough and substation in modern exploration method learning of coal application. The method with Log Inside Casing to have a lot of deviation related to the resulting value (output), but even so, the Log Gamma Ray is still using in reading the texture changing of sediment rock, thereby, the sediment succession can be learned as an electro fasies application. With those methods, it’s already identified that seam X25 coal as a research object is differented by two facies and it is precipitated in Transitional Lower Delta Plain environmental to show the pattern of facies, names such as: crevasse splay, channel, levee and interdistributary bay based on Horne Models (1978).Item HUBUNGAN ANTARA TINGKAT PRODUKSI DENGAN INVESTASI PADA PERUSAHAAN PERJANJIAN KARYA PENGUSAHAAN PERTAMBANGAN BATUBARA (PKP2B) DI KALIMANTAN TIMUR(2013-02-13) HENRY JULIYANTO; Tidak ada Data Dosen; Tidak ada Data DosenBatubara merupakan bahan galian strategis yang mempunyai peran besar dalam pembangunan nasional terutama dengan kontribusinya terhadap pendapatan negara. Saat ini pemerintah sedang meningkatkan pemanfaatan batubara sebagai energi alternatif, keperluan domestik sektor industri dan pembangkit tenaga listrik, maupun ekspor. Produksi batubara Indonesia cenderung meningkat dari tahun ke tahun, namun peningkatan produksi batubara Indonesia ternyata tidak serta merta diikuti dengan meningkatnya investasi baru di sektor ini. Sebagaimana diketahui, investasi merupakan salah satu indikator pertumbuhan perekonomian nasional. Di sisi lain, kita juga membutuhkan perkembangan industri batubara sehingga dapat menarik tenaga kerja yang cukup banyak secara kontinyu. Sementara investasi baru bidang pertambangan belum memungkinkan, sedangkan produksi batubara Indonesia terus meningkat. Hal ini merupakan tantangan bagi pemerintah dan seluruh masyarakat pertambangan Indonesia. Penelitian adalah untuk menganalisa sebaran batubara di Kalimantan Timur, serta hubungan antara tingkat produksi batubara dengan investasi pada kegiatan pertambangan batubara perusahaan pemegang Perjanjian Karya Pengusahaan Pertambangan Batubara (PKP2B) sejak 2001 hingga 2010. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif dan juga uji statistik dengan menggunakan uji korelasi Pearson.Item HUBUNGAN DENSITAS BATUBARA TERHADAP KUALITAS BATUBARA DI FORMASI MUARA ENIM, SUMATERA SELATAN(2014-02-06) FERDY YUSTIANTO; Tidak ada Data Dosen; Tidak ada Data Dosenhousehold use dan industrial needs. These needs increased the oil price which is follow by coal price increase. Coal is highly needed for power plant. The significant increase in coal price made coal into a very profitable business with much lower risk compare to the other mining investments. Eventhough it looks easy, a lot of people got burned when they invested their money into the coal mine. Coal mine valuation depends on two major things, quantity of mineable reserves and its quality. Quantity of mineable reserves has to be substansial with a good quality. Important Quality parameters are Total Moisture, Inherent Moisture, Ash Content, Volatile Matters, Fixed Carbon, Total Sulphur dan Gross Calorific Value. Meanwhile one factor that affecting the reserve calculation is coal relative density. In this thesis, we would like to see the corelation between relative density with coal quality. By using Statistic Method, Spearman Rank, we found out that relative density has no corelation with Total Moisture, Inherent Moisture, Volatile Matters and Total Sulphur. However, relative density has corelation with Ash Content, Fixed Carbon and Gross Calorific Value. Other interesting finding in this research is we found out that there is a significant difference in quality between coal in research area and coal in other area which come from Muara Enim Formation. Coal quality in research are is better in Total Moisture and Gross Calorific Value but worse in Total Sulphur. This happened because there is intrusion close to research area.Item KONDISI GEOLOGI SEBAGAI FAKTOR DALAM PENENTUAN PRIORITAS WILAYAH USAHA PERTAMBANGAN DENGAN METODE ANALISIS GEOSPASIAL DI KABUPATEN BERAU, PROVINSI KALIMANTAN TIMUR(2013) ROHADIAN YOSEP; Nana Sulaksana; Adjat SudradjatABSTRACT Berau Regency is one of the regencies administration in East Kalimantan Province blessed with several natural resources including coal and mineral resources. Coal and mineral resources has been exctracted by mining business activities conducted under Mining Business Permit (IUP). According to the Law Number 4/2009, mining businesss activities shall be carried out within Mining Area (WP). Furthermore, Mining Business Area (WUP) is a part of Mining Area that already has data, potential and/or information about geology informations. Geospatial analysis methode used in determining of Mining Business Area, meanwhile Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) Methode used in prioritizing Mining Business Area. Geological conditions as criterias for Mining Business Area prioritizing, several factors were considered such as : mining commodity, resources aspect, land status and geographical location. Based on respondens answers analyzed by AHP methode showed that the highest weight is resources aspect with 38.7%, then mining commodity weight is 37.4 %, land status weight is 13.0 % and geographical location weight is 10.9%. Therefore, geological conditions are a major factor in determining priority of Mining Business Area. The results of spatial analysis based on geological condition and limitation factors yield 19 (nineteen) blocks of Mining Business Work Area consist of 5 (five) blocks Metal Mining Business Area, 8 (eight) blocks Non Metal Mining Business Area, 2 (two) blocks Rocks Mining Business Area and 4 (four) blocks Coal Mining Business Area. The result of weighting process of 19 (nineteen) Mining Business Area Blocks are 3 (three) types of rank of Mining Business Area Priority such as : Fisrt Priority Mining Business Area consist 2 (two) blocks of Metal Mining Business Area, Second Priority of Mining Business Area consist 3 (three) blocks of Metal Mining Business Area, 4 (four) blocks of Non Metal Mining Business Area and 4 (four) blocks of Coal Mining Business Area and Third Priority of Mining Business Area consist 5 (five) blocks of Non Metal Mining Business Area and 2 (two) blocks of Rocks Mining Business Area. The results of spatial analysis and weighting process with AHP method showed that geological factors and spatial planning of Berau Regency influenced of determining and prioritizing of Mining Business Area.