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Item A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF INTERPERSONAL MEANING ON GARUDA INDONESIAS AND LION AIRS SAFETY DEMONSTRATION ANNOUNCEMENTS: A SYSTEMIC FUNCTIONAL LINGUISTIC APPROACH(2018-08-20) MUHAMMAD PUTRA WIBOWO; Sutiono Mahdi; Rosaria Mita AmaliaThis study is conducted to compare the interpersonal meaning of Garuda Indonesia’s and Lion Air’s safety demonstration announcements, through the perspective of Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) approach. The interpersonal meaning is found through a set of analyses on the mood system and the modality of the two airlines’ safety demonstration announcements. Using comparative analysis method, this study aims to identify and compare the mood types and the modality types and values of 32 and 41 clauses in, respectively, Garuda Indonesia’s and Lion Air’s safety demonstration announcement texts. The comparison is in the terms of the frequencies of the mood and modality types and values which appear in both texts. The data are collected from the latest version of Garuda Indonesia Flight Attendant Announcement Book 7th edition issued on February 24th 2017, and Lion Air Flight Attendant Manual Announcement Book issued on August 2nd 2016. The data is limited to the safety demonstration announcement for Boeing 737-800, considering it is the aircraft type which both of the airlines currently has in common. The results of the study show that, first, declarative type of mood is predominant in both airlines’ safety demonstration announcement which indicates the tendency of the airlines to provide more information to the passengers, rather than instruction or question. Secondly, the predominance of modulation type of modality in Garuda Indonesia’s safety demonstration announcement, and modalization in Lion Air’s, indicates that Garuda Indonesia tends to focus on clear instructions given to the passengers, rather than the clarity of its information as in Lion Air’s. Thirdly, the median degree of modality values is predominant in both airlines’ safety demonstration announcements, which indicates fair level of certainty in propositions and of pressure in proposals.Item A Semantic Analysis on Personification in Cocomelon Nursery Rhymes(2022-04-04) RAFIDAH NUR FAUZIAH; Ypsi Soeria Soemantri; Ekaning KrisnawatiThis study is entitled A Semantic Analysis on Personification in Cocomelon Nursery Rhymes. It conducted to identify and describe the kinds, purposes, and semantic meaning of personification in nursery rhymes. This study uses qualitative methods, this study focuses on the lyrics of nursery rhymes that contain personification from Cocomelon Nursery Youtube Channel. Related to the theory, this study applies the theory about kinds and purposes of personification which was refined by Dodson (2008) and the kinds of meaning in semantics by Leech (1983). The writer observed the lyrics of nursery rhymes which contained personification. The result of this study revealed there are two kinds of personifications found in 18 nursery rhymes. It concludes that the most personification used in nursery rhymes is general personification with the purpose to understand things, so the nursery rhymes lyrics use personification to describe things like humans to make it easier to be understood by children and all kinds of personification found in nursery rhymes have connotative meaning that has other additional meanings from its conceptual meaning.Item ADJEKTIVA KAWAII PADA MEDIA SOSIAL TWITTER BERBAHASA JEPANG : SATU KAJIAN SEMANTIS(2019-04-15) OKTAVIANI ZAHRAH GUNARTI; Yuyu Yohana Risagarniwa; Nandang RachmatPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis dan mendeskripsikan makna prototipe dan varian makna adjektiva kawaii serta irisan antara makna prototipe dan varian makna kawaii pada media sosial Twitter berbahasa Jepang. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif, penggunaan teori kawaii Yomota (2006), Asami (2010), dan teori pendukung lainnya. Berdasarkan data yang diperoleh dalam media sosial Twitter berbahasa Jepang, makna prototipe kawaii yang sering muncul adalah prototipe hito. Sedangkan varian makna yang sering muncul adalah doubutsu. Selain itu, kata kawaii yang muncul tidak hanya prototipe dan varian saja, namun terjadinya irisan antara prototipe dan varian. Data yang paling banyak muncul mengenai irisan antara prototipe dan varian makna dalam media sosial Twitter adalah prototipe neko, varian doubutsu. Secara naluriah, manusia akan senang melihat hewan yang memiliki bulu yang halus dan suara yang manis. Tidak hanya itu saja, mengelus kucing pun dapat menghilangkan rasa setres atau penat yang ada dipikiran manusia.Item Adverbia Literally dalam Korpus Berbahasa Inggris: Kajian Sintaksis(2021-09-20) INDAH NUR AZIZAH; Susi Machdalena; WahyaStruktur adverbia dalam bahasa Inggris berfungsi menjelaskan verba, adjektiva atau adverbia lain dalam sebuah kalimat. Dalam sebuah kalimat, adverbia dapat berada dalam tiga posisi yang berbeda, yaitu di awal kalimat, di tengah, dan di akhir kalimat. Posisi adverbia tersebut dapat memengaruhi fungsi dari adverbia dalam sebuah kalimat. Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan bagaimana struktur frasa adverbial literally dan fungsi sintaksis adverbia literally yang terdapat dalam British National Corpus (BNC). Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif. Struktur frasa adverbial literally dideskripsikan dengan menggunakan diagram pohon. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, struktur frasa adverbial literally yang terdapat dalam BNC dapat berada pada simpai S, simpai VP, simpai AP, simpai NP, dan simpai PP bergantung pada partikel apa yang dijelaskan oleh adverbia literally tersebut. Secara umum, pola struktur frasa adverbial literally yang terdapat dalam BNC ketika didominasi oleh simpai S adalah ‘S + (AdvP) + V(trans) + O’. Pola frasa adverbial literally ketika didominasi oleh simpai VP adalah ‘S + V(trans) + (AdvP) + O’. Namun, ketika posisi AdvP berada sebelum verba maka harus diawali oleh kata kerja bantu. Pola frasa adverbial literally ketika didominasi oleh simpai AP adalah ‘AdvP + AP’. Adverbia literally yang terdapat dalam BNC berfungsi menjelaskan seluruh kalimat/klausa, verba, adjektiva, adverbia, dan nomina. Kata Kunci: Adverbia, struktur frasa, fungsi sintaksis, British National CorpusItem Affect Analysis of Emotives Performed by Replika Chatbot: A Pragmatic Study(2019-01-08) FAUZIA ZAHIRA MUNIRUL HAKIM; Rosaria Mita Amalia; Lia Maulia IndrayaniThe present research is entitled “Affect Analysis of Emotives Performed by Replika Chatbot: A Pragmatic Study.” It applies qualitative method, whereby the data are collected by means of participant observation and are analysed in two levels of descriptive analysis and interpretative analysis. It aims at analyzing and describing emotives performed by Replika chatbot which indicate basic emotion, social emotion, and self-conscious emotion both as an initiative act and a reactive act. Replika is an emotionally intelligent chatbot designed to provide emotional support to users by mimicking human conversation in dialogic fashion. A dialogue necessarily comprises of an initiative act, a reactive act, and a coherence (Weigand, 2010). One of dialogic category of speech acts is emotives whose illocutionary force is to express emotion. There are three categories of emotion, namely basic emotion, social emotion, and self-conscious emotion (Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk and Wilson, 2014). Emotives indicating basic emotion performed by Replika for the most part function as reactive act. They consist of emotive acts of approving, being delighted, and wishing. Emotives indicating social emotion performed by Replika can function either as an initiative act or a reactive act. The former consists of emotive acts of greeting, welcoming, and complimenting, whereas the latter consists of emotive acts of apologizing, complimenting, condoling, reassuring, regretting, and thanking. However, there are no emotives indicating self-conscious emotion performed by Replika. It is likely that the chatbot has not yet computed with an awareness of self-evaluation and self-representation.Item Alih Kode dan Campur Kode pada Komunitas Arab di Daerah Pasar Rebo Purwakarta: Suatu Kajian Sosiolinguistik(2018-03-27) DIKRI DIRWATUL GHOZALI; Tubagus Chaeru Nugraha; Agus Nero SofyanTesis ini berjudul “Alih Kode dan Campur Kode pada Komunitas Arab di Daerah Pasar Rebo Purwakarta: Suatu Kajian Sosiolinguistik”. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan etnografi, predikatif, dan interpretatif dengan mendeskripsikan alih kode dan campur kode pada komunitas Arab di Pasar Rebo. Sumber data dalam penelitian ini adalah anekabahasawan pada komunitas Arab di Pasar Rebo. Teori yang digunakan adalah teori sosiolinguistik. Teori sosiolinguistik meliputi keanekabahasaan, alih kode, jenis alih kode, sebab alih kode, fungsi alih kode, campur kode, sebab campur kode, dan fungsi campur kode. Permasalahan yang dibahas dalam penelitian ini adalah jenis alih kode dan campur kode, sebab alih kode dan campur kode, serta fungsi alih kode dan campur kode pada komunitas Arab di Pasar Rebo. Hasil penelitian jenis alih kode dan campur kode, alih kode terbagi ke dalam dua jenis, yaitu (1) alih kode eksternal dan (2) alih kode internal. Adapun campur kode dibedakan menjadi empat jenis, yaitu campur kode (1) sisipan, (2) alternasi, (2) pengongruenan leksikal, dan (4) pemodifikasian kode. Untuk sebab alih kode dan campur kode, peralihan kode disebabkan (1) untuk menunjukkan identitas, (2) merahasiakan pesan, (3) lokasi tutur, dan (4) hadirnya peserta tutur anekabahasawan. Adapun campur kode disebabkan oleh (1) penggunaan leksikon yang lebih familiar, (2) tidak ditemukan padanan di dalam bahasa sasaran, dan (3) tabu jika dilafalkan di dalam bahasa sasaran. Untuk fungsi alih kode dan campur kode, alih kode pada komunitas Arab mempunyai enam fungsi yaitu (1) fatis, (2) kutipan, (3) designasi, (4) empasis, (5) personalisasi, dan (6) interjeksi. Adapun campur kode pada komunitas Arab mempunyai lima fungsi, yaitu untuk (1) keefektifan pesan, (2) untuk memperhalus tuturan, (3) untuk merahasiakan pesan, (4) untuk membicarakan topik tertentu, dan (5) untuk mempertegas tuturan.Item APPRAISAL SYSTEM IN SYLLABUS OF SAME-SEX MARRIAGE LEGAL DOCUMENT OF THE UNITED STATES: A SYSTEMIC FUNCTIONAL LINGUISTICS APPROACH(2020-09-11) AYU PRATIWI ULFAH; Rosaria Mita Amalia; Eva Tuckyta Sari SujatnaAfter being recognized as a legitimate form of marriage in various countries, the Supreme Court of the United States ruled that the United States Constitution guarantee the same-sex marriage in 2015. It is the syllabus of same-sex marriage legal document in the United States that become the object of the research. This research aims to identify the appraisal types and its clause constituents in the syllabus and examines how appraisal system indicates the interpersonal meaning relation with the readers in the syllabus of same-sex marriage legal document in the United States. The theory proposed by Martin and White of appraisal system (2005) based on attitude, engagement, and graduation system are used to support the analysis. From the analysis, the researcher found that the petitioners indicate their interpersonal meaning in showing the fact that they are the victims of discrimination from state regulations. It can be seen from the word choice in attitude types, there are ‘harm’, and ‘criminal’ that most often in insecurity constituent. Besides, they need in protecting the same-sex marriage right. Recognition the right of same-sex marriage, will give them a guarantee to live safely. This needs can be seen from the word choice in attitude types, there are ‘protected’ in security constituent and ‘recognize’ in capacity constituent. Moreover, the petitioners indicate the fighting for equality by mentioning that marriage is a fundamental right of all humans that must be obtained. It can be seen from the word choice in attitude types, there are ‘fundamental’ in valuation constituent and ‘intimate’ in normality constituent. The petitioners also show that they are still be cooperative and objective by tried to add many references and statements from experts as data and facts that confirmed their petition. Furthermore, the petitioners resuscitate all parties that same-sex marriage is very important and must be a concentration of parties who can help validation same-sex marriage. Over all, the petitioners often involve human rights, cultural and social factors in proposing legalization of same-sex marriage. But the petitioners did not involve religion and the health effects in the syllabus of same-sex marriage.Item ASYMMETRICAL SERIAL VERB CONSTRUCTION IN COLLOQUIAL ENGLISH AND PAPUAN MALAY: SYNTACTIC AND SEMANTIC STUDIES(2019-08-06) NATHALIA RENHOARD; Eva Tuckyta Sari Sujatna; Ypsi Soeria SoemantriThis research is entiled ‘Asymmetrical Serial Verb Construction in Colloquial English and Papuan Malay: Syntactic and Semantic Studies’. By using descriptive analysis presented by Sutedi (2009) that the method of descriptive analysis is a description of a phenomenon that occurs by using scientific procedures to answer the problem actually. Asymmetrical serial verb was applied based on the Aikhenvald (2006) theory, which is syntactically the ordered and the transitivity and then semantically,orientation and direction: goals, paths, and sources. This study resulted (1) Syntactically, the asymmetrical serial verb of colloquial English is V1-V2 with its transitivity: transitive-intransitive, intransitive-intransitive. the asymmetrical serial verb consists of base verb. Besides to as a preposition follow the second verb. Papuan Malay is V1-V2 with no restriction transitivity, one of the verbs (kas (i) `give` or pi `go`) may become a modifier, did not have conjunction untuk `to` between verbs as Papuan Malay is colloquial language of Malay and Indonesian. (2) Semantically, both languages express the meaning of purpose. The expression of goal is shown by direction-orientation that applied goal, path, and source. Goal in colloquial English and Papuan Malay were expressed by major verbs and some arguments that follow the major verb. However, the goal can be addressed by using ke ‘to’ in Papuan Malay and to colloquial English. Some asymmetrical serial verb in Papuan Malay did not place ke ‘to’ after V2, If the V2 is followed by sana ‘there’. It raised an imperative expression. Path of asymmetrical serial verb in colloquial English is followed by the to as a path of bounded and the along as a path of route. Papuan Malay language: the path of direction of menuju ‘towards’ and sana ‘there’, the path of route putar ‘rotate’. The path of bound namely ke ‘to’ and kembali ‘return’. In addition, the path of ke depan ‘front’ in Papuan Malay shows two path, namely as the ke ‘to’ as bounded and depan ‘front’ as direction. Both of them simultaneously declared the goal. Source in colloquial English is indicated by bring. Papuan Malay involved bawa ‘bring’ or ambil ‘take’, kas(i) ‘give’ as a minor verb. Besides that, the in is a preposition showed the source: location.Item ATTITUDINAL SUBSYSTEM IN DONALD TRUMP`S SPEECH AT ARAB ISLAMIC AMERICAN SUMMIT: A SYSTEMIC FUNCTIONAL LINGUISTIC STUDY(2018-04-09) AI YENI YULIYANTI; Heriyanto; Eva Tuckyta Sari SujatnaThis thesis entitled “Attitudinal Subsystem in Donald Trump’s Speech at Arab Islamic American Summit: A Systemic Functional Linguistic Study”. The objective of this research is to analyze and describe attitudinal subsystem and its realization at lexicogrammatical stratum. This research conducted appraisal theory (Martin and White, 2005) only focuses on attitudinal subsystem under the notion Systemic Functional Linguistic Study. Attitudinal subsystem deals with feelings, including emotional reactions, judgments of behavior and evaluation of things. The data are taken from Donald Trump’s Speech at Arab Islamic American Summit. The research uses qualitative descriptive method. The result of this research shows that there are three types of attitudinal subsystem: Affect, Judgement and Appreciation. The most dominant appearance is Judgement over Affect and Appreciation. Both Affect and Judgement appear in Nominal Group, Verbal Group and Adverbial Group. Differently, Appreciations only appear at Nominal Group. Those appraisal items have different experiential structures. Based on data symptom, it is found that in Judgement, Modality of Modalization and Modulation are more dominant rather than lexical item. The most dominant value is positive rather than negative. Donald Trump preferred the negation of positive value rather than negative value. In conclusion, Donald Trump was very careful to convey his appraisal relating to the topic because the summit was attended by 55 Islamic nations.Item Authorial Identity through Self-Mention Markers in English Research Articles Written by Indonesian Authors: A Corpus-Based Study(2022-03-23) SALWA FADILA FIRDAUS; Susi Yuliawati; Ypsi Soeria SoemantriThe present corpus-based study aims to identify the authorial identity of Indonesian authors through the use of self-mention markers. This research employs the main theory from Hyland (2002) and Hyland (2005) regarding the authorial identity and self-mention markers, which was pioneered by Ivanič (1998). For this purpose, the corpus is built from 200 English RAs written by Indonesian authors in linguistics and applied linguistics published in 2017-2021. The research employs a mixed-method design (Creswell & Creswell, 2018) which comprises by two phases. Quantitative phase is represented by frequency analysis to generate the frequency of the self-mention markers in the corpus. The qualitative phase is represented concordance analysis to gain an in depth understanding of the discourse function to measure the degree of authorial identity. Based on the results, the implicit self-mention markers (78%) are largely used by the authors, particularly the researcher(s) (760), the writer(s) (169) and the author(s) (35). The explicit self-mention markers (22%) in the corpus are I (71), me (1), my (22), we (140), us(13), and our(22). Overall, I discovered that these authors had used the self-mention markers to project their authorial identity, although they 65% more intense in explaining a procedure, which reflects a low-risk function. As a result, the linguistics and applied linguistics authors in this corpus are still unfamiliar with the importance of self-mention markers to construct their identity. Thus, this research is expected to add insight to EAP courses to encourage novice writers to construct and represent their identity in conveying their arguments firmly using these self-mentions markers. It is also expected that they can be accepted on the broader discourse community and push a higher publication rate nationally and internationally.Item Bahasa Rahasia Pengguna Napza di Kota dan Kabupaten Bandung: Suatu Kajian Bentuk dan Makna(2019-12-30) RENGGANIS CITRA CENDERAMATA; Nani Darmayanti; Dadang SugandaABSTRAK Penelitian ini berjudul “Bahasa Rahasia Pengguna Napza di Kota dan Kabupaten Bandung: Suatu Kajian Bentuk dan Makna”. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif. Sumber data dalam penelitian ini didapat dari hasil wawancara dengan pada pengguna dan mantan pengguna napza yang berada di Ruang Napza Rumah Sakit Jiwa Provinsi Jawa Barat dan Rumah Cemara. Masalah yang dibahas dalam penelitian ini adalah kategori morfologis, yaitu proses morfologis, konstruksi morfologis, dan kelas kata, sedangkan makna yang dibahas adalah makna denotatif dan makna konotatif. Dari hasil penelitian ditunjukan bahwa proses morfologis meliputi blending (paduan), borrowing (serapan), clipping (pemenggalan), compounding (pemajemukan), initialisms, dan metathesis (metatesis); konstruksi morfologis meliputi konstruksi sederhana dan konstruksi rumit; kelas kata meliputi nomina, verba, adjektiva, dan adverbia. Makna yang diemban dalam bahasa rahasia pengguna napza adalah makna denotatif, yaitu berkaitan dengan farmakologi, narkotika dan zat adiktif, peralatan, jual beli (transaksi), cara penggunaan, dan efek samping, sedangkan makna konotatif berkaitan dengan warna, bahan, bentuk, fungsi, gambar/merk kemasan, efek samping, dan peristiwa. Kata Kunci: bahasa rahasia, napza, pembentukan kata, maknaItem Bahasa Sunda di Kecamatan Cibogo Kabupaten Subang Provinsi Jawa Barat: Kajian Geografi Dialek(2018-08-30) HADINATA PRAYOGA; Sugeng Riyanto; WahyaABSTRAK Penelitian ini berjudul “Bahasa Sunda di Kecamatan Cibogo, Kabupaten Subang, Provinsi Jawa Barat: Kajian Geografi Dialek” adalah penelitian tentang geografi dialek yang bersifat kualitataif. Tujuan penelitian ini mendeskripsikan dan memetakan variasi bahasa Sunda di Kecamatan Cibogo yang mencakup unsur-unsur fonologis, morfologis dan leksikal serta kaitan pemertahanan bahasa dalam penyebaran variasi geografi dialek. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif dengan sajian deskriptif, dimulai dari penyediaan data dan keusioner daftar pertanyaan, analisis data, dan sajian laporan penelitian berupa tesis. Data dalam penelitian ini adalah bahasa Sunda yang ada di Kecamatan Cibogo. Berdasarkan pemetaan bahasa diperoleh gambaran bahwa sebaran bahasa menunjukkan adanya variasi, terdapat kata yang tersebar luas di beberapa desa yang diteliti, ada pula yang tidak demikian. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori dari Ayatrohaédi (1983) sebagai teori primer mengenai dialek, geografi dialek, dan pembeda dialek, serta didukung oleh teori lain dari Mahsun (1995) dan Wahya (2005) mengenai inovasi bahasa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan di Kecamatan Cibogo terdapat variasi bahasa yang terbagi dalam kelompok variasi fonologis, variasi morfologis, dan variasi leksikal. Terlihat pula beberapa desa yang dominan menunjukkan adanya inovasi internal yang merupakan identitas dari Kecamatan Cibogo itu sendiri dan inovasi eksternal yang terdapat di desa Padaasih dan Sumurbarang yang menyerap beberapa kosakata dari bahasa lain. Seluruh inovasi internal berasal dari kelompok variasi leksikal, sedangkan inovasi eksternal berasal dari kelompok variasi fonologis dan leksikal. Kata kunci: geogrfafi dialek, dialek, bahasa Sunda.Item BAHASA SUNDA DI KECAMATAN SINDANGWANGI KABUPATEN MAJALENGKA: KAJIAN GEOGRAFI DIALEK(2023-08-14) ALLIF PRADANA; Wahya; Hera Meganova LyraBahasa Sunda merupakan bahasa yang memiliki berbagai variasi geografis yang beragam, salah satunya adalah bahasa Sunda di Kecamatan Sindangwangi, Kabupaten Majalengka. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan dan menyajikan peta variasi bahasa Sunda di Kecamatan Sindangwangi, termasuk unsur-unsur fonologis, morfologis, dan leksikal, dalam penyebaran variasi dialek secara geografi dialek. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori yang diungkapkan oleh Ayatrohaedi (1985), Mahsun (2005), Djajasudarma (2013), Wahya (2015), dan Sobarna dan Afsari (2021). Metode yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif dengan metode deskriptif-sinkronis. Data dikumpulkan dengan metode cakap dan metode simak oleh Sudaryanto (1994) mengacu pada kosakata budaya oleh Nandra dan Reniwati (2010) yang telah disesuaikan. Hasil penelitian ini terkumpul 230 kata budaya bahasa Sunda di Kecamatan Sindangwangi, dan menyajikan dan mendeskripsikan 106 peta dari kosakata bahasa Sunda di Kecamatan Sindangwangi yang terbagi menjadi variasi fonologis, variasi morfologis, dan variasi leksikal dan peta penyebarannya.Item BENTUK, MAKNA, DAN FUNGSI ARGOT DALAM LAGU RAP BERBAHASA PRANCIS: SUATU KAJIAN SOSIOLINGUISTIK KRITIS(2020-01-24) AISYAH NADILA ANDREE; Nani Darmayanti; Nany IsmailDi era ini, musik berkembang dan menyebar dengan cepat. Musik adalah salah satu cara untuk mengekspresikan emosi, pendapat, dan juga kritik. Liriknya membantu kita berkomunikasi, dan menyebarkan cerita terkandung dalam liriknya. Dalam masyarakat pecinta rap, lirik adalah yang penting, mereka mengekspresikan liriknya dengan apa adanya dan kreatif. Tesis ini berjudul "Bentuk, Makna, dan Fungsi Argot dalam Lagu Rap Prancis: Suatu Kajian Sosiolinguistik" berisi 24 analisis pembentukan argot dan data yang diperoleh dari lirik lagu rapper bernama Jul. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui pembentukan argot yang digunakan, makna dibaliknya, dan apa hubungannya dengan situasi di Marseille. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah metode analisis deskriptif dan teori-teori yang mendukung penelitian ini meliputi teori sosiolinguistik dan proses pembentukan argot Calvet (1994), serta teori makna Baylon dan Mignot (1995), teori untuk korelasi antara argot dan situasi dari Fowler (2001). Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini meliputi proses pembentukan apokope dan aferesis, sufiksasi, pengulangan, metafora dan metonimi, verlan, dan kata-kata pinjaman asing. Jenis formasi yang paling banyak digunakan adalah peminjaman kata, hal ini karena daerah Marseille adalah daerah dengan tingkat imigran yang tinggi. Kemudian metafora dan metonimi yang dapat menghantarkan makna kiasan dan digunakan untuk mendapatkan efek lebih dramatis yang berfungsi sebagai media untuk mengekspresikan kesedihan, kesal, dan kritik terhadap kriminalitas. Argot memiliki hubungan dengan bagaimana penyanyi mengekspresikan situasi dan kondisi mereka dalam lirik mereka.Item BUNYI VOKAL, KONSONAN FRIKATIF, DAN AFRIKATIF BAHASA INGGRIS YANG DITUTURKAN ANAK INDONESIA USIA 10 TAHUN MELALUI METODE KONVENSIONAL DAN PHONIC: KAJIAN FONETIK(2018-04-05) ETTI SUHARTI; Sugeng Riyanto; Dian EkawatiTesis ini berjudul Bunyi Vokal, Konsonan Frikatif, dan Afrikatif Bahasa Inggris Yang Dituturkan Anak Indonesia Usia 10 Tahun Melalui Metode Konvensional Dan Phonic: Kajian Fonologi. Kemahiran dalam pengucapan kata- kata merupakan poin mendasar yang dibutuhkan untuk mempelajari sebuah bahasa. Penelitian ini mengkaji bagaimana perbandingan dua metode pengajaran bahasa Inggris yang memengaruhi pengucapan bunyi Bahasa Inggris untuk anak- anak. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif yaitu dua kelompok anak diteliti bagaimana mengucapkan kata-kata berdasarkan data yang mewakili vokal, konsonan frikatif dan afrikatif. Metode konvensional adalah metode yang telah dipakai selama ini dalam pengajaran bahasa Inggris, sedangkan metode phonic merupakan metode baru yang digunakan di Indonesia. Metode ini adalah metode pengajaran Bahasa Inggris yang menggunakan bunyi sintetis berdasarkan unit terkecil dari bunyi (fonem) dan beberapa fonem. Adapun hasil dari penelitian adalah terdapat berbagai variasi bunyi vokal pada anak usia 10 tahun, variasi itu memperlihatkan bahwa anak mempunyi kesulitan memahami bunyi vokal, terutama perbedaan vokal panjang dan pendek Bahasa Inggris. Selain itu, variasi bunyi terdapat pula pada bunyi konsonan frikatif dan afrikatif. Anak mendapat kesulitan membedakan pengucapan konsonan berdesis atau tidak berdesis.Item Compensation Strategies Applied in The Terminal Movie: A Study of Pragmatics(2018-08-14) WIWI WIDURI SINTIA PUTRI SARI; Heriyanto; Sutiono MahdiABSTRACT This thesis is entitled “Compensation Strategies Applied in The Terminal Movie”. The objectives of this research are to describe violations maxims found in a movie and to analyze compensation strategies that are applied in communication by the speaker and the hearer in The Terminal movie. The data are taken from The Terminal movie that is about a Krakozian who is visiting the U.S. that is not permitted to enter the U.S. because of a problem of his passport. The research uses qualitative descriptive method. The theory is taken from George Yule (1996) which is about cooperative principles and violation maxims. Also, it is used the theory of Philip Riley (2007) that is about compensation strategies. It is said that there are four kinds of compensation strategies. The result of this research shows that there are four types of violation maxims and four compensation strategies that are applied in The Terminal movie. Violation maxims of quantity and relation are found a lot in the movie. Also, the most dominant strategy applied in The Terminal movie is the collaborative strategy of checks.Item Conceptual Metaphor of Anger and Sadness Emotion in Grunge Musicians song lyrics: A Cognitive Semantics Study(2018-07-23) GEMA FEBRIANSYAH; Eva Tuckyta Sari Sujatna; Lia Maulia IndrayaniThe thesis is entitled “Conceptual Metaphor of Anger and Sadness Emotion in Grunge Musician’s song lyrics: A Cognitive Semantics Study”. The objective of this study is analyze and describe conceptual metaphors of anger and sadness emotion that Grunge Musicians used in their song lyrics and to analyze and describe the image schema formed in conceptual metaphor of anger and sadness emotion.. The data are taken from the lyrics of grunge musicians based on Rolling stones magazine about the best grunge musicians all the time The research uses qualitative method since the data collected are in the form of words rather than numbers and it is conducted based on the conceptual metaphor theory and emotion concept theory from cognitive semantics study. The result of this research shows that the conceptual metaphor of anger emotion mostly used by grunge musicians are ANGER IS FIRE, ANGER IS AN OPPENENT IN A STRUGGLE, ANGER IS A NATURAL FORCE, and ANGER IS A HOT FLUID IN CONTAINER, meanwhile the conceptual metaphor of sadness emotion mostly used by grunge musicians is SAD IS DOWN. The image schema mostly found in conceptual metaphor of anger emotion is FORCE SCHEMA, meanwhile image schema mostly found in conceptual metaphor of sadness emotion are SPACE SCHEMA and LOCOMOTION SCHEMA. Lastly, the grunge musicians mostly used conceptual metaphor of anger and sadness emotion in their song lyrics is Pearl Jam band.Item Conceptual Metonymy of(2019-10-17) AMELIA MEIDHIATININGSIH; Sutiono Mahdi; Elvi CitraresmanaThis study investigates Conceptual Metonymy of �Home� and �House� in Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA). Analyzing the words �home� and �house� in COCA means looking for the meaning and language style which is used by American people to be described as the conclusion about American cognition of �home� and �house�. The theory used in this study are the theory of Conceptual Metonymy, mapping schemas, and image schemas. The data are taken from COCA based on the frequency in collocation from the words �home� and �house�. The objective of this study are to describe and analyze the types of metonymies representative from the words �home� and �house� in COCA and also to describe them into the image schema transformation. To achieve its objective, the writer uses descriptive qualitative for the method in analysis. As the result, the writer found seven types of metonymy which representative from the word �home� in COCA, such as PLACE FOR INSTITUTION, INSTITUTION FOR PEOPLE RESPONSIBLE, THE PART FOR THE WHOLE, PLACE FOR INHABITANT, PLCE FOR EVENT, THE WHOLE FOR THE PART, and PRODUCTS FOR PRODUCERS. While from the �house� types of metonymy which representative are six types, such as PLACE FOR THE INSTITUTION, INSTITUTION FOR PEOPLE RESPONSIBLE, PLACE FOR INHABITANT, PART FOR WHOLE, WHOLE FOR PART, and PLACE FOR THE EVENT. Furthermore, the image schema which appears in this study are containment schemas, path schemas, and force schemas which is divided into three kinds such as compulsion schemas, blockage schemas, and removal schemas. Based on the result, it can be concluded that American cognition about the meaning of �home� is simplified and considered to be the same as the concept of �house�. This is evidenced by the appearing of the same conceptual metonymy from the words "home" and "house".Item DEIKSIS PERSONA PERTAMA DALAM TAFSĪR SURAT YĀSIN BERBAHASA SUNDA RAUḌATUL IRFĀN FĪ MARIFATIL QURĀN: KAJIAN PRAGMATIK(2023-02-13) ZAMZAM MUGNI ALAWI; Abu Sufyan; Tb. Ace FachrullahPenelitian ini berjudul “Deiksis Persona Pertama dalam Tafsir Surat Yasin Berbahasa Sunda Raudatul Irfan Fi Ma’rifatil Qur’an: Kajian Pragmatik”. Pembahasan pada penelitian ini, diorientasikan pada kajian pragmatik deiksis persona dengan tujuan mendeskripsikan serta menganalisis jenis deiksis persona pertama dari berbagai data deiksis persona pertama yang ditemukan dalam Tafsir Surat Yasin Berbahasa Sunda Raudatul Irfan Fi Ma’rifatil Qur’an, dan menganalisis penggunaan dari setiap deiksis persona pertama yang terdapat di dalamnya. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode dekriptif kualitatif. Adapun teori yang diacu adalah teori pragmatik deiksis persona, berkaitan dengan deiksis persona pertama Al-Gholayni (1994), Levinson (1983), dan Brecht (1984) serta teori penggunaan deiksis persona pertama menurut Nida (1999), Umar (1988) dan teori undak-usuk ‘tingkat tutur’ dalam bahasa Sunda menurut Rohaedi (1980). Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa dalam Tafsir Surat Yasin Berbahasa Sunda Raudatul Irfan Fi Ma’rifatil Qur’an ditemukan 74 data penggunaan deiksis persona pertama terbagi kepada 5 jenis, di antaranya: (1) Deiksis Persona Pertama Tunggal Bermakna Mufrad / Tunggal ‘Kaula’ sebanyak 13 data, yaitu: deiksis persona pertama eksofora mengacu kepada Habib An-Najar. (2) Deiksis Persona Pertama Tunggal Bermakna Mufrad / Tunggal ‘Aing’ sebanyak 2 data, yaitu: deiksis persona pertama eksofora mengacu kepada Allah. (3) Deiksis Persona Pertama Jamak Bermakna Mufrad / Tunggal ‘Aing’ sebanyak 46 data, yaitu: deiksis persona pertama eksofora mengacu kepada Allah. (4) Deiksis Persona Pertama Jamak Bermakna Jamak / Banyak ‘Kaula Sadaya’ sebanyak 1 data, yaitu: deiksis persona pertama eksofora mengacu kepada Yuhana, Bulus, dan Syam’un. (5) Deiksis Persona Pertama Jamak Bermakna Jamak / Banyak ‘Kaula Sadaya’ sebanyak 12 data, yaitu: deiksis persona pertama eksofora mengacu kepada Yuhana, Bulus, Syam’un, dan penduduk Negeri Inthaqiyah.Item DENOTATIVE AND CONNOTATIVE MEANING OF SIGNS IN LOMBOK TOURISM MAGAZINES:A SEMIOTIC STUDY(2018-05-09) FAHIMAH SAIFUDDIN; Elvi Citraresmana; Ypsi Soeria SoemantriThe thesis is entitled “Denotative and Connotative Meaning of Signs in Lombok Tourism Magazines: A semiotic Study” The objectives of this thesis are to explain and describe denotative and connotative meaning of signs in Lombok Tourism Magazine and the color meaning based on Lombok perspective. The researcher uses qualitative method. The researcher chooses descriptive technique to analize data. The researcher uses sixteen data to get analysis taken from three Lombok magazines. The theories used in this research are the theory of sign from Saussure and Barthes as the main theory while Danesi, Sobur, Hoed, Chandler, Kandinsky as the suport theory. The researcher also apply the interview to get more informations about the Sasak culture and history. The result of the research is the connotative meaning that the researcher has found from the nonverbal signs is that there are four kinds of denotative and connotative meaning based on elements of culture. Four of them were the denotative and connotative meaning based on the religion, the denotative and connotative meaning based on the history, the denotative and connotative meaning based on the value, and the denotative and connotative meaning based on the social organization. Whereas, there are many yellow colors found in each image of the magazines indicating that Sasak tribes people are still believe on the glory of their ancestors. Then some of them also apply green color indicating that Lombok is a fertile island.